Training Gone wrong

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   Naruto knew it was going to be a rotten day. He just didn't know it was going to be this rotten. First, he wakes up by Anko shaking him with a panicked face. He was sweating and crying. He had another nightmare.

   It's not like it was unusual for him to get nightmares, but it usually wasn't to this degree. It was was the fourth one that week, and it was only Friday.

   He dreamt that reanimated Madara had kidnapped Hinata. He placed her in a glass container that was rapidly filling with water. Neither of them had much chakra, so they couldn't fight.

   Madara placed some sort of puzzle in front of Naruto. He said that the only way Naruto could stop the water, was by solving the puzzle. Except he couldn't think straight. It felt like he was drugged, and it was a really hard puzzle.

   Naruto tried so hard to find a solution, but with every mistake, the container shrunk. He watched helplessly as Hinata drowned. He heard the cold laugh of Madara that sent shivers down his spine.

   That was only the first death he had to witness. After every death, the ways became more gruesome. They all had two things in common. Madara was there, laughing at Naruto, and Naruto couldn't do anything to save them. Every time, he was presented with a different problem to solve, but he couldn't solve any of them.

   As Anko made breakfast, she tried to see what the problem was. "Naruto what's wrong? You're nightmares are getting worse and worse."

"I-I just... don't want to talk about it." Naruto rubbed his arm and chewed his lip out of nervousness. He had been doing that a lot lately. He could now taste blood, and a part of the inside of his lip was a little swollen.

Anko let out a sigh. "Naruto, if you don't want to talk to me about it, that's fine, but please talk to someone about it. Whatever happened, it's not good to keep it to yourself. I could arrange a therapist for you."

"She's right. I've been around for a long time. When a human doesn't talk about this, it rarely ends up good." Kurama said.

'I know she's right, but who am I supposed to talk to? No one who is qualified to help is from my time, and I can't go around announcing I'm from the future. Besides, it's not like they'll believe me.' Naruto told Kurama.

"Inoichi is qualified. He may not be from our time, but he does know that we're from the future." Kurama pointed out.

'I forgot all about him. Thanks Kurama.' Naruto then began talking to Anko. "Yeah, let's try it."

Naruto checked the time, and- wholly shit he was gonna be late. "Oh no. I'm gonna be late!" He shot out of his chair, and hurried to put his clothes on.

   "Where are you going?" Anko asked.

   "I'm training with someone."

   "Is it Sasuke again?"

   "No, it's someone else." Naruto began to leave.

   "Wait, at least eat this on your way out." Anko tossed him two pieces of toast.

   "Thanks!" He shot out of the house.

   On his last bite, he started choking. The bread was dry, so it got stuck in his throat. When he choked, he stumbled and fell off the roof.

   Naruto rarely went on the ground to go places. Even though he'd been there for a few years, he still got lost. He was used to the village after pain destroyed it, and because he didn't bother learning the paths, he only knew where to go by roof.

   "So sorry I'm late, Hina." Naruto ran to their meeting spot.

   "It's OK Naruto-kun. I just arrived."

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