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Song Title: Naruto Kumg Fu Fighting

"I thought we were supposed to talk to each other before we make any changes to the timeline." Shikamaru sighed.

   "I didn't have time to discuss it. Danzo was right there and I didn't want to lose him. I had an opportunity to attack so I took it." Sasuke was laying on his couch trying to sleep. Somehow Shikamaru heard that he killed Danzo a little after he did it and decided to March over to Sasuke's house to interrogate him.

   "Why did you have to kill him?"

   "He's a little bitch that deserves death."

   "Obviously," Shikamaru rolled his eyes, "but why did you have to kill him at that exact moment? Why couldn't it have waited?"

   "What does it matter? I was going to kill him anyway. I just did it a little earlier."

   "Because his death happening earlier than last time is a drastic change to the timeline. Why does no one understand the problem with that?"

   "Look, I was fine with waiting, but I overheard a discussion and decided to attack." Sasuke was getting annoyed.

   "What was he saying?"

   "Apparently he overheard one of our discussions. I don't know how or what he heard, but it was enough to make his suspicious which doesn't take much. He kept an eye on us and decided we were too suspicious and we needed to be killed.

   "He ordered three people to kill all of us. He knew every person, aside from Jiraiya, who was from the future. Sai was among the three people. He refused. Danzo asked why. Sai said he wouldn't kill the love of his life or his friends. Needless to say Danzo was pissed, but I came in before Danzo could do anything. Sai knocked the other two out then left to find Ino. Didn't even stick around to fight with me. Now, I'm exhausted. That fight took a lot out of me and I want to sleep. Goodbye." Sasuke turned away from Shikamaru and fell asleep.

   "Damn it. If Danzo was able to spy on us and see we were suspicious, then so will Kabuto. We've got to be a lot more careful." Shikamaru thought out loud.

   "Ugh, go away. Think about that outside my house." Sasuke threw his shoe at Shikamaru's head. He dodged and ran out. Man was Sasuke grumpy when he was tired.


   "Is Naruto not accompanying us on our mission?" The search team for Karin was finally allowed to leave for their mission. They would have left earlier, but because of a paper shortage, there wasn't any paperwork that they could fill out. Sure, there was paper, but they went to more important things.

"No. Team seven was specifically requested on a different mission. Thankfully, Naruto was able to drop off something of Karin's. You should be able to use this to track her scent." Tsunade handed Kiba a pillowcase.

   "Oh yeah, that's strong enough." Kiba coughed a bit. Not that it stunk, but it was just a strong scent. Like when someone sprays too much perfume or something.

   The team got dismissed and off they went. Kiba and Akamaru were leading the way. It wasn't until a few hours later that they stopped.

   "What is it, Kiba?" Kurenai asked.

   "I can't smell it any more. Her scent is gone. Well, not gone but hidden. I can't track her with all these different scents. And I'm not even sure where they're coming from." Kiba frowned.

   "Over there. There's a cellar door hidden under the dirt." Hinata was using her Byakugan to spot it. (Oh my gosh my ADD is kicking in so much right now for no reason. Like I keep getting sidetracked and getting off topic and I can't focus for shit. It's been like this for the past few chapters. I'm dying here. 😭)

"Are you sure this is where Karin's smell is?" Kurenai asked Kiba.

"I can't sniff out her exact location because of all the different and new smells, but Karin was definitely here." Kiba said.

   Hinata knew exactly what Kurenai was thinking. This was Orochimaru's old hideout. If Karin was in there, it's possible that the hideout was still active and an active Orochimaru hideout was not a place for genin. Except Hinata knew it probably wasn't Orochimaru's hideout. Kabuto more than likely took it over which is arguably just as scary.

On one hand they were assigned a mission and it's their duty to follow through. On the other she didn't want to put her team in that kind of danger. Of course she already knew there was a huge possibility Kabuto was behind this and she might have to face him, but she was really hoping that wasn't the case.

"I'm going to expand the range of my Byakugan." Hinata said. She'd be able to spot Kabuto with her Byakugan so if it came to it she should be able to spot him.

She didn't see Kabuto, but she did see Karin. She was on the floor not moving. She was alive, but it didn't look like she'd survive for much longer.

"I see her." Hinata lead her team to where Karin was before Kurenai could stop her.

   Karin was sweating and wheezing and was in terrible shape. Around her was vomit that appeared to be her own seeing as there was some left on her lips.


"Hinata... he did it. Kabuto succeeded." Karin talked slowly. Every word looked like it pained her to say.

"What did he do?" Hinata gulped.

"White Zetsu." It was all Karin could get out. Her eyes closed, and her head killed to the side completely motionless.


Sorry it took a bit to update. I've been pretty busy. Also it will probably be a while before I update again because I'm going camping soon but we'll see. Have a good day y'all.

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