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Song Totle: Light 'Em Up Fallout Boys

Sakura heard the commotion that occurred too late. She had entered the room just in time to see Kabuto leave with Menma and Naruto's severed arm.

As much as she wanted to chase after him, Naruto needed her attention. He was bleeding out and looked incredibly pale. She yelled for help and a few nurses along with her friends came running. A few nurses took Anko and Iruka to a separate room and was working on them.

"What- what happened?" Hinata asked horrified. She went to help Sakura with the little healing knowledge she had.

"Kabuto made his move. He took the baby and Naruto's arm so that I can't reattach it." Sakura probably would have broken down already if it weren't for her focus on doing her job. Hinata on the other hand was sick with worry. She was sobbing and shaking and looked rather ill.

"Is he going to be all right?" Gaara knew there wasn't any point in asking. Just looking at him you could tell he was moments away from dying, but Sakura was skilled. If anyone could save Naruto, it was her.

"Naruto needs a blood transfusion. He's lost too much. Sasuke, you have the same blood type as Naruto. Would you be comfortable giving him some of your blood?" She already knew the answer, but she had to ask.

"Take however much you need." On the outside, Sasuke looked serious and well... how Sasuke usually looks, but on the inside, he was terrified. Not just for Naruto, but also... ok, so he would never admit this, but Sasuke was secretly terrified of needles. You wouldn't think so considering he lived with Orochimaru for a few years and he did lots of tests on him, but he was and it started with the wave mission. When you get stuck with a bunch of needles and almost die, you'll probably get a fear of needles as well.

   Turns out she needed a lot of blood. Not enough to cause problems for Sasuke, but he certainly felt dizzy afterwards. Even though a lot of blood was taken from him, it didn't seem like Naruto was getting any better. Everyone was constantly going back and forth between if he was going to make it or not. On one hand, he looked like he was using the line between life and death as a jump rope, but on the other hand, he was Naruto Uzumaki. He just didn't give up on anything, including life.

After donating his blood, Sasuke was kicked out. Kinda rude, but ok. Sakura needed to focus. Even with her 100 healing jutsu, it was iffy. He decided to sit with the others. And by decided, I mean forced to because they didn't want him wandering around the hospital.

Shikamaru was asleep on Gaara's shoulder who was wide awake. It was obvious he wasn't going to sleep for a long time. Sasuke sat on the other side of Gaara. He looked up at the ceiling and didn't look the least bit worried. Probably due to the fact that the Kazekage couldn't be caught in public crying. He had to put on his Kage face.

   "Is he any better?" Gaara whispered so that he didn't wake his brother-in-law.

"A little less pale." That's the only thing he could say before Lee burst through the doors worried with Neji right behind him looking equally worried but also furious. Gaara stood up suddenly causing Shikamaru's head to fall on the armrest waking him up rather painfully.

"Gaara, what on Earth happened?" Lee asked.

"Kabuto made his move." Gaara answered.

"What are you doing here, Neji? I didn't think you cared about Naruto too much." Sasuke wore a slight smirk.

"I died for him."

"What?" Neji didn't acknowledge Lee's confusion.

   "Besides, I'm mainly here for Hinata-Sama. I know she was here, so where is she?" Neji looked around the room.

   "Someone has to keep Naruto's parents informed." Shikamaru gave a long, drawn out sigh.

   "What about Lord Hiashi? Hinata's Father?" Neji was sure his uncle went here.

"I didn't know he was here." None of them had seen him.

   "I'll find Lady Hinata." Neji needed to find Hiashi. He knew Hiashi had left the compound to see Naruto, but then he heard something went wrong at the hospital, and no one has seen Hiashi. That was concerning.

Neji had to ask a nurse where Anko and Iruka was who was able to point him in the right direction. When he walked in, she was sobbing along with Iruka and Anko. Not surprising considering her husband was just attacked and severely wounded.

"Neji, I have some unfortunate news. You may want to sit down." Instead of listening to Iruka's advice, he stood next to Hinata, who was sitting at the foot of Anko's bed, trying to comfort her as he was preparing to here the bad news that was probably about Hiashi.

"This is about Hiashi-sama, isn't it?" Neji asked.

"I'm afraid so. For who knows how long, Kabuto has been pretending to be Hiashi. The real Hiashi has been killed by Kabuto. More than likely so it would be easier to attack Naruto."  Iruka explained. It was hard day on all of them. Neji wasn't able to protect his uncle. Hinata lost her father and her husband was so close to dying. Anko and Iruka had their son kidnapped by someone who loves to experiment on kids and their other son nearly killed by that same maniac.

"Do you remember Karin Uzumaki?" Hinata turned to face Neji with her face stained with tears and her eyes all puffy and red.

"She sounds vaguely familier." Neji admitted.

"Kabuto killed her. She probably had some more information that could have helped us." Hinata tried to keep her voice calm, but it was shaky and weak. Neji had never seen her so upset.

"I have some news about Naruto." Sakura swayed. She looked like she was about to collapse which was very possible.

   Hinata stood up and walked Sakura to the foot of Anko's bed. The same place she was just sitting.

"What-what happened?" Hinata asked. Everyone in that room was hanging on her every word. Desperately waiting the news. Good or bad, they needed to know.


Well how did you like it? I hope you enjoyed it and I hope it doesn't take so long for the next chapter to come out, but we'll just have to wait and see. Have a good day everyone.

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