I Have to Do This All Over Again

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Anko was really excited to see how Naruto did. She was confident he would pass, so when it was over and Naruto came out looking all gloomy, she was surprised. Was it because of his hangover? No, it should've passed at the end of Iruka's long boring speech.

"I'm sorry. You're probably disappointed in me." Naruto mumbled.

"Of course not, kiddo. I'm just shocked, but I'm sure you'll get it next time." Anko patted Naruto's head.

"Excuse me, Anko, but may I speak to Naruto alone?" Mizuki approached Naruto.

"Go ahead." Anko waved him off. She wanted to talk to Iruka anyway.

I'm sure you already know the conversation between Mizuki and Naruto, so I'm not going to rewrite that. While they're talking, Anko is talking to Iruka.

"Anko? What are you doing?" Iruka asked.

"Why did you fail Naruto? I want to know what he needs work on so I can help him." Anko went straight to the point.

   "As I'm sure you know, Naruto has an abundance of chakra. Even for a jinchūriki. He has the exact opposite of the problem that most people have. Instead of  putting too little chakra he puts too much. He can't do a proper clone because of that. He also flunked the written test. Those two horrible scores are the main reasons he didn't pass. Even though the genjutsu doesn't have much of an effect in the test, he failed that." Iruka sighed. He knew Naruto had so much potential, but, for the time being, he couldn't be a ninja.

"He's got a lot of work to do if he wants to become a genin. He's a determined one, so I'm sure he'll get there." Anko could at least give him that much credit.

   "It's refreshing to see someone who cares about Naruto. You seem to be an amazing mom." Iruka smiled. It was a relief to hear that. Anko was a little scared she was a bad mom. She deeply cared about Naruto, but deeply caring for a child doesn't automatically make you a good parent. It does go a long way, but being a good parent is about more than loving the child.

   "And you've been the closest thing to a parental figure to Naruto for a long time. He talks a lot about you. Ever since I've adopted him, he's seen less and less of you. He misses you. He also said you're a terrible cook, so you always take him out to ramen. Not that he's complaining." Anko smirked.

   "How did he know?" Iruka was extremely embarrassed.

   "Guess it's true then. You should come over for dinner some time. I'm sure Naruto would enjoy that." Naruto wasn't the only one who'd enjoy that.

   "Oh, um... yeah. That sounds great." Iruka stuttered.

   "See ya." Anko walked away and looked for Naruto. She became slightly worried. Was it those villagers again? If it were, she'd probably strangle them to death.

   "Naruto wanted me to tell you that he had some business to take care off. He said not to worry and that he'd probably be home a little late." Mizuki said.

   "That brat. He could've at least told me in person. I am the one responsible for him." Anko complained.


   "So this is why you failed?" Kurama asked.

   "Yeah, Mizuki needs to be caught. He's a traitor and I know for a fact that this is a sure way for me to catch him and still pass." Naruto explained.

"And learn more powerful jutsus." Kurama stated.

"That too." Naruto skimmed through the scroll searching for more jutsus. He eventually found one that seemed super cool and useful.

   It was called Ghosts. Ok, bad name, but the person who created it probably wasn't that creative. The jutsu was similar to the reanimation jutsu. Instead of a dead person being able to physically come back from the dead, they could be summoned by their spirit. It could be used any number of times, and the ghosts could interact with physical things. They couldn't do anything with chakra, but they could kill someone with a weapon, and they were extremely hard to control. That's why it was a forbidden jutsu.

Naruto had the signs memorized, but the jutsu could still use some work. He was able to see a few ghosts who had died in that area, but not for long. He'd have to work a lot more to be able to see who he wants to see. He had to stop because Mizuki and Iruka showed up. All the stuff that happened last time happened.

"Naruto, everyone hates you because- shut up Iruka- you have the nine tailed fox in you and all that shit." Maybe Mizuki didn't say it exactly like that, but you get the point.

"Yeah, I knew that already." Naruto said.

"Ho-how?" Iruka looked just as confused as Mizuki.

"He lives inside of me. How're you supposed to keep that a secret?" Naruto said.

"Considering how stupid you are, they probably figured it would be easy." Kurama teased.

"You've met him?" Iruka asked.

"Yeah, and he's a huge jerk. He keeps making fun of my voice." Naruto grumbled.

"It's hilarious. It's not like your voice was deep when you were 22, but now it's even higher. You sound like a chipmunk!" Kurama laughed.

"I do not!" Naruto's voice became ten times higher. He said it out loud, so that was a bit odd to Iruka and Mizuki. "Sorry, that damn fox is annoying me."

   "Did you... befriend... the nine tailed fox?" Iruka asked.

   "I wouldn't call it a friendship. I'm too good for him." Kurama took over Naruto's body for a bit.

   "Would you stop that! That's so weird! At least give me a warning, ya know! Besides, you're scaring them. Mizuki, I couldn't care less, but c'mon. I actually like Iruka-sensei." Naruto complained. "Also, we're friends, so stop denying it. And we all know I'm the one who's too good for you."

   "Oh, Kit, you really are stupid." Kurama shook his head.

   "Stupid fox." Naruto grumbled.

   "Only you could befriend a tailed beast." Iruka laughed.

   "Alright! Now, to take Mizuki down." Naruto cracked his knuckles and gave Mizuki a threatening grin.

   "Run and get help. Naruto, you can't take him." Iruka ordered.

   "That's what you think." Naruto stuck his tongue out at Iruka before making a bunch of clones. And I mean a bunch. I mean, you guys do remember how many he made last time, right? Yeah it's around the same number. He ended up passing. A little bit later, Anko showed up.

   "What happened?" Anko looked pissed. Iruka was obviously injured, and Naruto looked exhausted.

   "Anko, it's not Naruto's fault. Mizuki tricked him. Because Naruto failed the test, Mizuki told Naruto that there was another way to pass the exam. Naruto did what Mizuki told him to. He had no idea that Mizuki was lying." Iruka explained.

   "He's a traitor then?" Anko assumed.

   "Yeah." Iruka looked at Mizuki with a frown. He had been around Mizuki for a longtime, but he never thought Mizuki was a traitor. How could he be so oblivious?

"I'll take him to Ibiki. You're coming to my house to take care of that wound." Anko said.

"It's ok. I have supplies at my house. I wouldn't want to bother you." Iruka said.

"My house is closer." Anko hoisted Iruka on her back.

"Actually-" Naruto started before realizing what anko was doing. "Oh, this is- I don't know if I like this."


That's the end of this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it.

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