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Song Title: Nightcore This little girl

I was really obsessed with Nightcore

Naruto's group was, surprisingly, the first to arrive. They thought Gaara's team would arrive first, or even Kabuto's, but Gaara's was second and Kabuto's was third.

As it turns out, Gaara's team had a hard time finding their needed scroll. Nearly every team they came across had the same scroll as they did. Not to mention the drawn out fights.

   Last time, Gaara killed a lot of people in that forest. He felt pretty guilty, so the only thing he did to his opponents, was get sand in their eyes. After a while, Temari got irritated, and got out her fan. With one swing of her fan, they were too injured to move.

   Kabuto finished in third probably because Orochimaru failed at placing the curse mark on Sasuke. He had no reason to stay in the forest of death, so he hurried up and finished the exams. He looked so angry that his plan failed. So far, the Chunin exams was a total disaster.

Naruto was really tired once they made it to the tower. He was barely able to stay awake while Iruka was talking. Apparently, the poison was still effecting him. When he was jumping around, and fighting, the poison started acting quicker. He wasn't in any life threatening danger, but it still sucked. When he had the chance, he just flopped on the ground and went straight to sleep. He slept all the way through the rest of the exam, and when it was over, he had to be woken up.


The second part ended a little differently than last time. There was one extra team, which was Karin's, and Kabuto didn't quit. Karin's team won because Naruto gave her the scroll, and Kabuto didn't forfeit because he needed to gather more info about everyone's abilities.

   After the proctors were done talking, the fighting began. Sasuke was the first one to go. He was up against one of Karin's teammates. Even with him holding back, he won in under a minute. He didn't even use his sharingan.

   "He's so cool." Karin muttered.

   Next was Shino vs. the guy he went up against last time. Just like last time, he won. After him, it was Aori vs. the other dude from Karin's team. Aori lost. Then, it was Kankuro vs. the dude he fought last time. Kankuro won.

   After that, it was Sakura vs. Kabuto. That was a change, but a happy change. Sakura was more than happy to kick Kabuto's ass. She really hated that dude. Everyone from the future did. Naruto was a little jealous of her.

   Kabuto wasn't going to underestimate her. He heard Sakura played a huge roll in taking down Orochimaru, so she had to be strong.

   Even before the fight, he could tell she held some sort of grudge towards him. He saw the anger, hate, and disgust aimed towards him. Her eyes told him that he did something horrible to her.

   When the fight began, Sakura made the first move. She looked as if she was being reckless, but she was strong as heck, so she didn't have to worry about being hit. It was Kabuto who was on the run. He tried his hardest to dodge. Every time she missed, and hit the ground, it cracked and created a crater.

   Every opening Kabuto thought he had, wasn't an opening. She'd catch him and aim for another punch. Eventually, she hit him. He smacked into the wall making it crack. The moment he attempted to stand up, Sakura pushed him back down. That's when he saw a little bit of blue on her forehead. She had painted her forehead so that the diamond would be hidden. That answered a few questions, but also created more.

   "You bastard! It's all your fault!" Kabuto had done a lot of things that would gain this much anger from someone, but how did he get caught? He was super careful, and anyone who saw him died.

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