Chapter Twenty-Three

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Keeping my hands over my ears, I did everything I could to ignore the occasional pains which shot through me. I'd hidden behind one of the bins sat on the floor in a crouched position. The fighting seemed pointless. How many times did we have to go over the fact that there were more important matters than just fighting each-other? It was like they'd completely ignored the fact that there was a homicidal lizard crawling around everywhere.

"Close your eyes."

No. Not now. My mind had to stay focused, it had to keep calm. I couldn't make a point that I was fine only for it to come back. Grimacing, a flash of pain fell through my leg and I clutched tighter at my head. Was this what my future was always going to be like?

"Close your eyes."

Boyd fell down beside me, and Derek was quick to follow taking momentary cover. "I think I stopped healing," Boyd groaned out and Derek glanced at him the reality already forming.

"The bullets-- they're laced with wolfsbane," he said and seeing the pain his beta was in his teeth grit together, "you gotta go. Take the car."

"What about you?"

"I have to find Scott. Go." He said and when Boyd was hesitant he quickly shouted it again, "go!" He turned back to me holding out his arm and I hesitantly released my ears grabbing onto his arms and his hands flew over my head as we ran out from behind the bin and after Boyd. Except, we turned a different corner before completely following him in order to get towards Stiles.

Making it around the other side of the building, we skidded to a stop as we came across Stiles. "Look, Grace, I did it!" He cheered pointing down at the mountain ash circle and I couldn't help but smile.

"Oh, well done-"

"Break it," Derek said and we both whirled around to look at him.


"Break it." Derek repeated and despite the numbness the pills had brought to me a horrible panic began to overwhelm my mind. It didn't belong to me, it was all Derek's.

"What? No way!" Stiles scoffed.

"Stiles break it!" I snapped the panic beginning to transform into anger within my own mind.

"Scott's dying!"

That was enough to stop Stiles as he looked at Derek confused, "okay, what? How do you know that?"

"Oh, my God, Stiles, I just know! Break it!" Derek cried out having had enough of the back and forth and I stepped forward kicking away the ash. The circle broke and Derek ran through at a speed I'd never seen before. Looking back at Stiles I contemplated whether we should follow after him. We couldn't put ourselves in danger since we'd only end up getting in the way.

"Can you feel it?" Stiles asked, and I glanced over at him confused, "could you feel Scott dying?"

"No. I could feel Derek's panic."

"Why would he panic over Scott dying, he hates all of us," he pointed out, he was feeling just as useless as I was.

"He doesn't hate any of you. He just doesn't like the fact that he doesn't have control. You have to see it in the way that makes sense to a werewolf. They live their life being hunted so they can't have some teen messing everything up," I explained, although with how he'd been acting this year it was hard to distinguish the truth in my own words. A pain shot through my leg and I yelped grabbing onto Stiles.

"What is it?" He asked as a blur began to take over my body. The anger was returning and growing stronger than it did before.

"Bullet. Derek's been shot," I groaned out and Stiles frowned gripping onto my own body to keep me steady. A siren shot through my ears making it impossible to focus on anything other than the continuously growing rage.

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