Chapter Sixty-Eight

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It had been over a year. Not quite two, but close enough. We'd spent the time travelling as we'd planned and we'd been to many places in the time:


We'd visited Isaac. He had long hair now and I never thought I'd see him with long hair. It was a new experience. He looked so grown up and he was what, seventeen turning eighteen? It was a traumatic thought.

"Oh, and you have to try the bread here," Isaac said, "American bread has got nothing on the bread here."

"That's because all American food has unnatural amounts of salt and sugar in. Even Scottish bread is nicer," I teased. Derek was simply lagging behind a bit in his own thoughts.

"Have you seen the Eiffel tower yet?"

"We came straight to find you," I mused.

"That's where we're going then."

Grabbing onto Derek's hand I tugged him forward to ensure he wasn't missing any of the fun, "come on!"


Jumping onto his back, my hands quickly found their way to Derek's shoulders in hopes of not falling over. It was freezing in Scotland and it was dark. Thankfully due to our werewolf senses, we could both see just fine. Jackie on the other hand could not, but that was her problem. It was hard to balance but I hadn't fallen yet. "Are you getting taller?" I teased and he laughed rolling his eyes.

"I think you're just unfit," he quipped and I nudged my knee into his side causing his laugh to continue. Turning to look at the very drunk Jackie who we'd gone on a night out with and for some reason trusted with my phone despite the fact she could barely stand straight. We'd spent the day on Dan's boat eating Tesco's bakery doughnuts with him since there was nothing else to do and nothing beats eating doughnuts with Dan. Especially Tesco's bakery ones.

She held up the phone grinning to herself as if she was taking a picture of her own face, but we both knew that the camera was directed at us. Holding up my arms I tried my best to balance myself as the picture was taken.

That was my favourite picture from that experience, and memory I guess.


"And you thought the alpha was scary," I mused peering over to Derek. We were both stood in Manchester museum and we were looking up at the skeleton of a t-rex. It was huge and if it had been alive today we would have stood no chance. Supernatural or not. He rolled his eyes although they were incandescent with happiness as he looked down at me. We had our hands interlocked because it was quite busy and I was worried we'd get parted although with the supernatural senses I was sure we would be fine.

"I'm pretty sure you were the one that was scared. I was just angry."

"I don't remember specifying which alpha," I countered with a teasing smile and he hummed as he turned his focus back onto the t-rex. "If you had a pet a mini one...what would you call it?"


"Let me guess, it would be a t-rex?" I droned, and he hummed with a nod, "well I'd get a triceratops called Steve."

"What aren't you going to call Steve?" He countered.

"Well I'm not going to call the mummy in the other room Steve, so come on let's go find out what his actual name is." He rolled his eyes again but nether the less allowed me to drag him with me to the other rooms. There was a room with stuffed animals in as well and it was somewhat depressing to see a stuffed wolf. Especially now that I knew that werewolves could turn into actual werewolves.

The Sicilian Defence [Derek Hale]Where stories live. Discover now