The Burrow (p21)

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Over the first few days of the holidays, I had been spending a lot of time with mom. She had told me more about Sirius and her. She also mentioned things she hadn't before from her time in Hogwarts. I had found out the first guy she had dated was Lucius Malfoy and they broke up because mom fell in love with Sirius.

I guess even though I was pretty shocked to hear about this it did explain why she acted the way she did every time she saw him or heard his name. Something that bothered me though is how much she stressed to me that the Malfoys were trouble and how she wished for me to stay away from Draco. Although I pretty much ignored her.

Dad on the other hand was still at work most of the time but the days he did stay home we had a lot of fun. The days he knew he'd be home he'd plan small trips for us and I felt much closer to dad than I did to mom now despite the short time I spent with him. Neville had come over a lot as usual and I had been writing to Draco a lot. 

Dear Y/n,
I hope you're doing well. Dads told me there's something big planned that'll be happening soon. He's gotten word from his friends at the ministry. Moms invited the Parkinson's over for dinner soon, I'll let you know how that goes. I've asked Dad to talk to Dumbledore about us continuing Advanced Potions next year. I miss you.

Draco Malfoy.

I smiled reading his letters. After last year we had talked and agreed to take things slow since I still needed more time after what happened with Seamus and I also had just nearly died. From what he had written me there was something that did seem to bother me which was the way he talked about Pansy being all over him.

Dear Y/n,
Moms invited the Parkinson's over again, every time they come Pansy always tries to get me alone with her. She says I've matured...I don't know what she means. She likes to touch me a lot which makes me uncomfortable. Dad told me he talked to Dumbledore and we still can't have Advanced potions since there's something planned for this year. Anyways Dads told me he's got seats to the Quidditch World Cup that I told you about. He says he's got one more seat and I wanted to ask if you'd come with us?

Write me back as soon as you can,
Draco Malfoy.

I never liked Pansy. One of her hobbies was reminding me of Seamus, the boggart class with Lupin, and practically every worst moment of my school life. But I also kind of felt jealous of how much time she was spending with Draco.

Dear Draco,
I see Pansy is a little desperate. I would've love to come to the Quidditch World Cup with you but I'm afraid I'm already going with the Weasleys and Harry and Hermione. Wipe that frown off your face Draco. I know you don't like them but they've invited me to go with them and I've already said yes. I'm sorry. I guess I'll see you there.

As much as I did want to go with Draco I had already said yes to the Weasleys and I doubt mom would've let me go with the Malfoys. I was set to go to The burrow one week before the quidditch cup.

Mom had gone quite mad trying to get me ready to go to The Burrow. She had become a little paranoid and protective over me since last year. I guess I don't blame her since my last 2 years at Hogwarts had ended in my near death. But she had known the Weasleys for a long time and she trusted them enough to care for me for a while before going to school.

I hopped in the shower and got dressed before we traveled by flu powder to the Weasleys. I got out of the shower and looked into the mirror and at my scars again like I had done every day since I got them. Even though they were all healed it still felt like yesterday that I got these.

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