The Hospital Wing (p10)

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I woke up, I looked around and through my blurry vision, I recognized the hospital wing around me. I saw a figure beside my hospital that I couldn't quite make out. I tried to prop myself up and felt a sharp pain shoot all through my body. I groaned in pain.

"y/n!" I heard a concerned voice beside me that I soon recognized as Seamus. "Madam Pomfrey!" I heard him shout soon after.

"Oh no dear, lay down, lay down. You're still quite bruised up, you'll need some rest." I heard Madam Pomfrey say as she gently pushed my body back onto the bed.

"Harry, Ron, and Ginny. Where-" I started now filled with concern

"They're ok y/n, Harry and Ron are with Dumbledore, and Ginny's over there." He said as he pointed at a couple of beds away from mine. The Hospital looked pretty full due to the petrified bodies still there.

I sighed with relief before propping my head back down onto the pillow.

"y/n I thought..... I mean I heard someone had been taken... and when you weren't there I..." Seamus continued once Madam Pomfrey had walked away.

I interrupted him and took his hand and held it tightly. "I'm ok, I'm sorry, I was with Harry and Ron when we heard Ginny had been taken... I just...I had to go." I told him apologetically.

"Please don't do that again. I thought I lost you." He said and then kissed my forehead.

I pulled his arm down and held the back of his neck with the other and pulled him into a long kiss. He pulled back with a huge smile. I turned my head as I heard the doors of the hospital open. I saw Malfoy standing there for a few seconds looking at Seamus and me before he turned around and walked back out.

"So what happened down there?" Seamus asked bringing my attention back to him. 

I proceeded to explain everything from the message written on the wall in blood, Lockhart trying to escape, Harry opening the chamber, Lockhart trying to attack us all the way up to the point I blacked out. I saw that Seamus found it hard to believe that I came face to face with Voldemort or at least a memory of him but I didn't blame him, I had found it pretty hard to believe too.

After Seamus left Neville had come running into the Hospital wing and as soon as he saw me awake a flood of emotions went through him. He began to express his concern for me and then he proceeded to angrily tell me off for what I had done and how I could've died and lastly he told me how relieved he was that I was ok.


The day after, Harry had come to the hospital wing to check on me and explained to me everything that had happened after I blacked out. Mr. and Mrs. Weasly had come as well, they were incredibly kind and they thanked me and Harry for coming to find Ginny. They even invited me to come to the burrow some time which was an offer I knew I couldn't refuse.

I ended up staying two more nights in the hospital since Madam Pomfrey was mending some broken bones. She had told me in the blow I had taken I had somehow broken 3 ribs. Mending the bones was pretty easy for her but she insisted on me resting more. 

In the days I was in the hospital wing I saw a couple of petrified victims leave the hospital wing which boosted my mood incredibly. Seamus, Neville, Ron, and Harry had come to visit me a lot. 

On my last day at the Hospital Wing, I saw Hermione being awoken from being petrified and after regathering her strength she moved towards me and I caught her up on everything. She left soon after to go and look for Harry and Ron. As she left the hospital wing I saw Malfoy coming in. I looked around expecting to see someone else he was coming in for but I was now the only one there.

"Hey." He said looking down.

"...Hi," I was puzzled.

"You look terrible." He said in his usual mocking tone.

"Thanks." I laughed. 

"Listen...I'm....I'm glad you're ok." He continued looking once more to the ground.

I looked at him and I blushed a little. 

"Why are you here?" I asked as kindly as possible.

"I was... I.... Just coming to let you know about Advanced Potions." It was obvious he had made this up on the spot. 

"I've only missed one class Malfoy," I laughed slightly.

"Yeah, you know I just thought..." He looked up to meet my eyes. "Nevermind I'll leave." He said turning around. 

"No! It's ok, stay please." I held his hand before he could walk away. 

I saw him smirk and he took a seat on a chair next to my bed. There was an awkward silence before he started talking to me about what I had missed in the advanced potions class I missed.

"Thank you Draco," I told him. I felt we both knew I wasn't thanking him for the update. 

"Of course, y/n" he replied with a smirk while getting up from his seat.

"y/n, when I heard what happened. I-" He started as I saw his eyes start to water just slightly. "I felt so worried, I felt a fear I had never felt before. I'm just glad you're ok." He finished and walked away before allowing me to say anything else.


The day I left the hospital wing Seamus had come to walk me out and to the great hall where we were going to join the final feast before the end of our second year. We walked hand in hand slowly as I still felt a little stiff and sore from resting for 3 days. We walked in and the hall went silent as several heads turned towards us.

"y/n!" I heard Neville, Harry, Ron, and Hermione yell as they got up and ran towards me. They hugged me and told me they'd saved a seat for Seamus and me. 

We sat down and Seamus put his arm around my waist. We began eating and soon my gaze fell upon Draco on the Slytherin table who was staring right at me with a smile on his face. I smiled back at him raised my cup in a cheers manner as he did the same. 

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