Confrontation (p32)

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The next day I woke up and for a second I forgot about the worst part of yesterday. When I remembered I felt nothing more than to simply lay in bed for as long as was possible. I turned on my bed and saw Hermione and Ginny were sitting on Hermione's bed, which was next to mine, looking at me.

"Hi?" I said a little surprised to see them there.

"Uhm how are you feeling?" Hermione asked after Ginny and her exchanged looks.

I propped myself up on my bed. "I've been better, but guys please don't try to avoid the topic. Nikolai harassed me yesterday and I'm not over it but eventually, I will be." I told them.

Ginny sighed before coming to sit at the foot of my bed. "Y/n I'm sorry that happened to you."

I gave her a sincere smile. "I'm not hungry guys you can go down to breakfast without me."

"No y/n please you have to eat, we'll be with you ok?" Hermione told me also getting up and coming to sit at my bed.

"Ok," I told them getting up and grabbing some clothes from my trunk.


Once I was ready I took a deep breath before walking out of the bathroom. "Ok let's go," I told them.

I was the first one to walk out, I started walking down the steps and was surprised when I saw Neville, Harry, Ron, and Seamus at the bottom of the steps.

"Hey guys," I said catching their attention.

"y/n!" They all said in unison which made me laugh a little.

"What are you all doing?" Ginny asked from behind me.

"Well-" Ron started

"We just thought-" Harry continued

"We could-" Seamus interrupted.

"y/n we want to be with you today, we don't want you being alone, at least not for now," Neville said coming forward towards me.

Although my initial reaction was to get defensive I thought about the gesture and realized how much I actually needed. I indeed didn't want to be alone today and being around them made me feel protected.

I nodded before replying "Thank you, guys." I looked at all of them and saw them all smile at my reaction.

We then continued walking, Harry and Ron leading the way this time. Once the door to our common room opened I was surprised once more as I saw Draco and Cedric sitting at the front steps.

Both of them got up and I saw Draco quickly scan all the people around me.

"Hi babe," I said walking forward and giving him a quick peck. I then hugged Cedric.

I saw Draco and Harry giving each other death stares before Harry spoke. "You thought we'd leave her alone?"

"Well, I don't plan on it either," Draco warned shifting his stare to Seamus this time.

Luckily Cedric broke the tension. "Should we go?" He asked me extending an arm for me.

"Yes please," I said taking his arm and continuing down the steps. Draco and Seamus broke their eye contact and everyone else followed behind.

During our way there Cedric had stepped back and started talking to Harry and Draco had come forward and put his arm around me. "How are you today Princess?"

"Better, but I'm a little nervous," I told him

"You'll be alright, we've all got you." He said gesturing behind us. I had to admit that I felt incredibly lucky to have so many people with me.

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