Year 6 (46)

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I was dreading coming home for the holidays, last year wasn't exactly the best but being home just meant being around my mom and her lies and away from Draco. And once more having too much time to think about the fact that Sirius was gone. I hadn't been exactly kind to my mother during the holidays but I had chosen complete honesty with her.


"What the hell were you even doing at the Ministry?" She yelled at me.

"I was there for Sirius mom," I answered in a calm tone.

"What d'you mean Sirius? You don't even know him, how-" She began yelling once more.

"I did know him, mom! I knew him more than I think I know you right now! He was a way better parent than you, right up until he died!" I yelled back

"He what..." She whispered and I could see her tearing up.

"Yeah, mom Sirius died! I watched him get killed by Bellatrix, just like how I watched Voldemort possess Harry but guess who was there for me instead of you mom! Remus! Remus was there for me and is there for me more than you ever are." I lowered my tone.

"What is going on here?" My dad asked as he came into the kitchen where my mom and I were having our discussion.

"Nothing Dad" I answered leaving and going up to my room.


This time I didn't have many places to escape too, Grimmauld Place would've just reminded me of Sirius and it belonged to Harry now, The Weasleys would happily have me but I'm sure they had enough to handle already so the only place I could really escape to was Neville's. If I wasn't with him I was at home locked in my room all the time. I would only occasionally talk to Dad and that was about it. Although I knew he too wasn't telling me anything he at least didn't try to lie about it.

Saying things like "I know you're aware things are happening y/n, but your mother doesn't think you ought to know and I hope you understand. I have to respect that since it concerns her more than me." He would tell me in many different ways which I appreciated but was also getting fed up with.

The first few weeks of the holidays I had also been writing to Draco a lot but at some points, his letters stopped which I found odd but just thought it to be the fact that his parents were also probably really busy with Voldemort being back and everything. The last letter I received from Draco;

Dear y/n,

Mother and Father have a lot on their hands at the moment, I wish I knew more. I'm afraid things are getting darker here at the mansion, we're having people over soon. I want you to know I'm thinking of you, always.

I love you, yours truly,

Draco Malfoy.


It felt like the holidays were lasting forever until I got a letter that saved me.

Dear y/n,

You know I hate writing but Mom insisted I do. She wants to know why you haven't come round to the burrow, she wants you to remind you that you are welcome any time. And I guess I want you to know that too. Anyways, Fred and George have got a new shop they want you to see, so you should also check that out.

Ron Weasley.

I snickered at the thought of Ron being forced to write to me but naturally, I knew I had to go. I packed my bags and told my dad I was going which luckily he didn't oppose and left before mom could get a word in. I didn't exactly know how I was going to get there but then I remembered what Harry had told us about the Knight bus a couple of years back. I lifted my wand to the side of the road and sure enough there it was. I wouldn't say it was a smooth ride at all but I did get to my destination quicker than I expected.

As I walked up the grass to the burrow I smiled at the feeling of home and warmth once again. Before I could even knock Fred and George had opened the door and grabbed my bags and brought me in.

"Well Hello there m'lady." Fred started

"Welcome home" George added.

"Thank you guys." I smiled at them both

"y/n?" I heard Ginny shout from the stairs.

"Yep, that's me." I shouted back as I saw her come round the corner. "Ginny." I hugged her.

"Oh dear, I'm glad to see you here." Molly came round the corner from the kitchen and took me into her usual tight embrace.

"Ronald!" Molly screamed up the stairs.

"Alright, I'm coming." He shouted back annoyed which made me laugh.


I spent a few weeks with the Weasleys which definitely brightened my mood, Harry got there too and I was glad to see him especially since we got to talking about Sirius a few times. Even though he was closer to him he understood that it had been hard for me as well.

A couple of days before heading to school we stopped by Diagon Alley to get our stuff for the year and visit Fred and George's shop. But everything was different, darker, lonelier. We walked into Weasley's Wizard Wheezes and stared around in awe. 

All of us got separated as we all were attracted to different areas of the shop. I walked around looking at an aisle and all its different artifacts and their colors, noises, smells. 

"What d'you think?" I heard a voice behind me which made me jump.

I saw the twins behind me. "You guys are brilliant you know that" I told them. They shrugged and smirked before walking off to continue promoting their merchandise.

I kept walking around and found myself in a spot surrounded by girls, my curiosity got the best of me and I took one of the bottles everyone was admiring. 'Laverne de Montmercy' it read. I rolled my eyes as I read the label.

"I don't think you need that." I heard a voice behind me once more. I turned and saw Justin Finch-Fletchley smirking behind me.

"What?" I said a little taken aback since I'd never really spoken to him.

He started coming closer "I'm sure you're fine on your own." He eyed me up and down and winked at me before walking away.

I scoffed at his actions and continued looking around the shop. 


I watched as Harry, Ron, and Hermione walked out of the shop and followed them shortly after making sure they couldn't see me. 

I saw them sneak into a small alleyway and I just turned my head to see the back of a blonde long head of hair going into another alley whom I recognized as Narcissa. I followed the trio making sure they couldn't see me. I saw them climb onto a rooftop and when they were distracted I passed them and made my way over to the next alley, Knockturn alley, and looked down it. I could see the trio's head from the rooftop. 

I saw as Draco and his mother enter Borgin and Burkes, I furrowed my brows when I saw Fenrir Greyback there as well. I tried to watch what was happening inside the shop but the trio made a noise attracting Greyback's attention and causing him to close the blinds. I made my way back the way I came from and waited for the trio to come down the rooftop. I still didn't let them see me as I walked behind them. 

"We can't tell y/n, she trusts him too much." I heard Harry whisper. 

I admit I was slightly hurt by the comment although I knew they were right, I did trust Draco too much and whatever they were thinking happened in Borgin and Burkes was something I didn't particularly want to discuss. 

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