Quidditch (49)

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I had gone to see Madam Pomfrey that day and she'd told me I had almost reopened my scars again, she healed me up quickly and as always told me to try to avoid any strenuous activities. I felt so much anger about Draco that I was incredibly irritable all the time. Ginny suggested I try out for the Quidditch team this year and I actually thought it was a good idea. 

Neville was on the other hand was really against the idea since he thought I was just increasing the risk of my scars opening more frequently but I also knew I needed something to distract me now and I didn't want my scars to stop me from doing things. I also hadn't seen Draco almost at all since our encounter at the Astronomy tower which I had also been avoiding. The few times I did see him he was with Pansy. 

I showed up at the quidditch tryouts which was a surprise for Ron and Harry. I tried out for the position of chaser and I don't know if it was purely because of my rage but I was good. Harry picked me as a chaser and I was excited about my first match. 


It was the first game of the year, the weather was pretty terrible that day.  We were going up against Slytherins and something that I found odd is that Draco wasn't on the field, I wasn't even sure he was playing at all that year. The game began and it was incredibly intense, I knew the Slytherins were savages when it came to quidditch but seeing them play and actually playing against them were two completely different things. 

After being shoved several times by Vaisey on the field my adrenaline was pumping and I thought it was about time to fuel some of my anger into the game. I began swerving up and down and in between players trying to find a good position to score.  

"GINNY!" I screamed once I was close enough to the hoops to score. She threw me the quaffle and sure enough, I managed to get it through the hoops before the Slytherin players could stop me. 

I managed to score a couple more times and Ron was playing amazingly as a keeper. I was feeling pretty good with myself now and we were only a couple of points away from winning, we just needed to keep the score like it was until Harry managed to catch the snitch. 

Once more I swerved down and around players, Katie passing me the quaffle, this time I was further away from the hoops so I tried my best to get close while holding the quaffle in my arm. I balanced myself on my broom ready to throw when I felt a hard hit on my side. I lost control of my broom and just managed to throw my arms up to cover my head before my whole body crashed into one of the hoops, then onto another one before I fell. I looked up and saw Blaise smirking. 

I was completely winded, wheezing trying to catch my breath, and just felt pain shooting all throughout my body, I just managed to wave my hand up to the team letting them know I was alright so they wouldn't stop playing. I managed to drag myself to the side of the pitch where I saw Neville. 

"y/n!" I heard him shout as he ran out and helped me up. "You alright?" He asked me. 

I groaned still trying to catch my breath, "yeah, I'm just sore." I wheezed clutching my side with one hand while Neville put my other arm around his neck. 

"Let's get you to the Infirmary." He told me. 

We began walking into the castle, my body leaned on Neville completely. I could feel he was struggling to keep me up. I felt myself getting light-headed from taking too many deep breaths in and of course from the blow I had taken. 

"C, mon, we're almost there." I heard Neville's distant voice as I tried my best to stay conscious. 

"y/n?" I heard a soft but concerned voice, through blurry eyes I saw someone in black attire coming towards us. 

"What happened?" I heard Draco's voice and felt myself being lifted from my other side. I wanted with all my power to shove Draco off but I couldn't even keep myself up.  

"Blaise, he threw her off her broom, she took a pretty hard hit," Neville replied with anger in his voice. 

I looked up and just saw as Madam Pomfrey made her way over to us and asked Neville and Draco to lay me on a bed. 

"Here, darling drink this." I heard her echoed voice as well as she handed me something. 

Neville took it after I struggled to grab ahold of it and helped me drink. I instantly felt better. The world was no longer spinning and I didn't feel like I was going to pass out anymore. I started breathing normally again and I looked up and just saw Draco speeding towards the doors and leaving not even turning back. I was confused by his actions.  

"Alright dear, you must stay here overnight. You've broken some ribs, they won't take long to mend but you still need some rest and I want to watch your scars." Madam Pomfrey told me as she waved her wand over my body. 

I nodded. Neville stayed with me for a while before it got dark and he had to leave. The Gryffindor team had also come to check on me and then went off celebrating their win. I had to admit I was pretty bumped out that I was missing the party at the Gryffindor common room but I also felt that some alone time would do me good. 


I was fast asleep when I felt hands wrap around my mouth. My eyes opened wide at the shock as I looked up at Snape with a finger over his mouth. I was confused at the sight but nodded letting him know I would stay quiet. 

"Come with me. Don't ask questions" He whispered. 

I nodded once more, I got up from my bed at the infirmary and walked behind him. I really had no idea where we were going, or why I was even following him, some part of me felt like I was dreaming. Once we were outside of the castle I couldn't keep quiet any longer. 

"Professor where are we going?" I whispered and Snape simply lifted his hand up in a gesture to shush me. I assumed it had something to do with the Order of the Phoenix but also found it weird that there was no one else around. 

We kept walking and now we were at the gates, Snape opened them, and once we were on the opposite side of them he stopped and turned to face me. 

"You must stay quiet and do as you are told, no funny business, remember who you're dealing with, say nothing about the order," Snape told me in his usual serious tone but for some reason this time it came off even more serious than usual. 

"What-" Before I could even begin to question his instructions he had taken a hold of my hand and I felt us apparating. 

It all happened incredibly fast and now we found ourselves standing in front of a huge dark mansion. He took my arm and began pulling me inside. 

"Hey!" I yelped at his actions. 

Once we were inside I felt a huge surge of anger when I saw Bellatrix at the corner of the room. She began giggling once she saw me. I turned wide-eyed to look at Snape but he didn't even make an attempt to acknowledge my reaction. I moved my hand towards where I usually kept my wand but remembered I had left it in the Infirmary. 

"Severus, oh good, I see you've brought her, very well." My whole body stiffened at the sight of Voldemort but I made an attempt not to show my surprise or my fear. I then saw Narcissa come out of the same door as Voldemort began approaching me. 

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