Time with him (p35)

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The next few days were spent in celebration for both Harry and Cedric, I could see the Durmstrang boys weren't too happy about the results of the last task, Karkaroff had increased his dirty looks thrown at me whenever he saw me althought I took that to be because of the whole Nikolai ordeal. Since it was a while before the thirds task I decided it best that I took some time for myself for a while. I was focusing more on classes and my school work since my grades had drastically lowered this year. Draco and I had been spending time studying together, or at least trying too.

We were studying in the potions classroom one afternoon practicing the summoning charm;

"No love, you have to move your wand like this, look" I corrected him moving my wand in a downward half moon swipe.

"I can't see babe you're gonna have to show me again." Draco teased smirking at me.

I scoffed, "C,mon babe" I said playfully hitting his arm.

"Ok but can I try summoning something else?" He asked and I could see he was up to something.

"mmmm...ok" I answered hesitantly.

"Accio chair." Draco pointed the wand at the chair I was on. I couldn't even react before I felt myself zooming towards him, I came to an abrupt stop in front of him. He began laughing.

"Draco!" I shouted nudging him hard while he was still laughing. I sat on the chair facing away from him and pouted angrily at what he had just done.

"Aww babe, don't be mad at me." He said coming around to face me. He hugged me but he was still laughing.

"That wasn't funny." I told him before I began giggling as well. "You did good though." I told him hugging him back.

He pulled back a little and leaned his forhead on mine. "You know I already knew it right? I just find it cute when you teach me." He giggled.

I acted offended and he leaned down to kiss me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and we began kissing before we heard the door burst open. We immeadiately broke apart and acted like we were still practicing. Soon after Snape walked in through the door.

He glared at us for a few seconds "Get out!" He demanded. I jumped off my stool and walked out quickly, Draco following.

We giggled as we ran down the halls, once we were in an empty hallway Draco grabbed my hand and stopped me spinning me around to face him. He leaned in to kiss me and we began making out once more for a couple of seconds.

"I wasn't done." He whispered once we broke apart. I laughed at his comment. "You know I like studying with you" He added.

"Yeah I kinda like it too." I giggled.

"I wish we could find a quieter place, where no one would interrupt us." Draco expressed as we started walking hand in hand with no particular place in mind.

I gasped "I just thought about something!" I kissed him and began ranning towards Gryffindor tower.

"What!" Draco shouted at me as I continued running.

"I'll come find you later! I'll know where you are!" I shouted back.

Once I had climbed all the stairs I was out of breath but I managed to make it to the common room in no time. I announced the password and walked in and found exactly who I was looking for.

"Harry!" I said walking towards him.

"Why are you out of breath? Haven't you been with Malfoy?" His eyes went wide after his question.

"Blimey!" Ron gasped from beside him.

"GUYS! of course not I've just ran here that's all! " I shouted at them slapping the back of their heads making Hermione laugh. "Harry can I please borrow the Mauraurders Map for a couple minutes?"

"What for?" He interrogated me once more.

"Uhmm...well...I kind of wanted to find a quieter spot for Draco and I to hang out, somewhere where we won't be...*I cleared my throat* Interruped." I looked away.

"Definitely not!" Harry shook his head.

"Oh c,mon!" I begged.

"y/n! you're practically my sister there's no way!" He kept shaking his head now wearing a face of disgust.

Hermione and Ron were simply laughing. "Fine!" I said and began storming out of the common room. To my luck once I walked out I saw Fred and George coming up the stairs.

"Fred! George!" I shouted and ran down the steps towards them.

"Why Hello M'lady" Fred grinned.

I laughed "I need your help with something pleaseeee" I begged.

"What's in it for us?" George asked.

"Ugh....uhmm...I'll help you prank anyone you want." I assured them.

I saw their eyes light up with joy "Deal!" they said in unison.

"Now what is it princess?" George asked.

"Harry won't lend me the Mauraurders Map so I want you guys to tell me about a secret corridor where I won't be found." I told them.

"What for?" They both asked in unison again.

"That wasn't part of the deal boys." I winked.

They looked at each other defeated "Well, there's one behind the statue of Greogry the Smarmy on a fifth floor corridor of the east wing" Fred explained.

"And there's also one behind a mirror on the fourth floor, and behind a couple tapestries." George added.

"Aright, thanks boys" I started to walk down but then turned around to ask them "Oh and one more thing, have you seen Draco anywhere?" I asked innocently

"Yeah he was walking around like a lost puppy by the hospital wing." George answered while they both giggled.

"Alright thanks" I said walking down. I heard them both gasp in realization behind me and I simply turned and winked as I kept walking down the stairs.

I walked fast paced towards the hospital wing hoping to find Draco still there. Once I arrived he was like Fred and George said standing around like a lost puppy.

"Hey." I waved at him and he walked towards me looking a little uncomfortable.

"Where were you? I didn't know where to go without you." He whispered a little bothered.

I laughed "I found us a quiet and lonely place" I whispered to him as well. I saw his eyes immediately light up and look at me, as he smirked.

I grabbed his hand and guided him towards the fourth floor.

"Where are we going?" He asked.

"You'll see." I told him. To our luck the fourth floor was empty which gave us time to sneak unseen.

Finally we stopped in front of the mirror. "What now?" He asked me.

I grabbed the side of the mirror and pushed it back to reveal a dark empty corridor. I saw him look shocked at what I'd just revealed. "Go on then" I urged him.

He stepped in and I followed behind checking that no one had seen us then I slowly let the mirror fall back to it's original position.

"Lumos" I whispered taking my wand out. Draco was in front of me and I saw him stare around at the space we were in.

"So? What d'you think?" I smirked.

"Perfect." He admitted leaning in to kiss me once more. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me against him, I put my arms around his neck. This time we were able to resume our session with no interruptions.


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