Flames (78)

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"Well Well, what brings you here Potter." I heard his voice.

Goyle, Draco, and Blaise were standing there holding their wands towards Harry. I was behind a pile of random objects with Theo so he still hadn't seen us. 

"I could ask you the same," Harry replied. 

"You have something of mine, I'd like it back." Draco continued speaking. 

"Well, what's wrong with the wand you have?" Harry asked him pointing at the wand he was holding. 

"It's my mother's, it's powerful but it's not the same. It doesn't quite understand me, you know what I mean?" Draco replied. 

"Why didn't you tell her? Bellatrix? You knew it was me, you didn't say anything. It was because of y/n wasn't it?" Harry asked Draco and I could see Draco drop his guard slightly. 

"C, mon Draco. Don't be a prat. Do him" Goyle whispered in his ear. 

"Where is she?" Draco asked Harry.

Theo and I emerged, Draco, Blaise, and Goyle pointed their wands at us but then Draco put his wand down slightly when he recognized us. Harry started pulling out his wand. Hermione and Ron then emerged as well and Hermione threw a spell at Draco disarming him. 

"Avada Kadavra!" Goyle yelled sending the spell at Hermione who only just blocked it. 

We watched the Diadem fly out of Harry's hands and onto another pile of things. Everyone had scattered and Ron ran towards Goyle ready to fight him. Harry, Theo, and I began climbing the mountain of things throwing things out of the way trying to get to the diadem. 

Harry managed to get a hold of the diadem and once we all hopped down, we heard Ron screaming and running towards us.

"Goyle set the bloody place on fire!" He screamed as he grabbed Hermione and kept running. Harry and Theo began running and I stood there motionless thinking about where Draco could be. 

Theo ran back, grabbed my hand, and pulled me with him.  I started running by his side. "Where's Draco?" I turned to ask him as we ran. 

He shook his head as we kept running. Soon we were trapped. Harry just only managed to shield us from getting engulfed in flames when Ron stumbled on some brooms. He handed them out and we set off. There weren't enough brooms so Theo and I were sharing one. I kept looking around trying to spot Draco.

I heard a scream and I turned and saw Goyle falling into the flames and Draco and Blaise standing on top of a mountain of things. 

"Theo he's there!" I told him and he turned in his direction. 

"How are we supposed to get them out?" He asked me as we started flying towards them but then I saw Harry appear next to us. 

"I'll get Blaise." He shouted. 

I still didn't know how we were supposed to get Draco out. I kept looking in all directions trying to find a solution when I remembered. I reached into my coat and pulled out an Ice potion. I took a deep breath before drinking it all. 

"Theo you have to put me down," I told him. 

"Are you mental? Of course not! We'll find another way y/n." He screamed at me. 

"I'll be ok. Trust me, Theo. Put me down! Get Draco and get him out of here!" I screamed at him. 

I watched him hesitate but once he was low enough I hopped off making sure to keep an eye on the exit. "GET HIM!" I screamed at Theo watching him fly away. 

I heard Draco scream. I was completely engulfed in flames. With zero visibility but all I could feel was like Ice flooding my body. I started running towards the exit using my wand to throw objects out of the way. It felt like I was running for an eternity before I finally saw the exit. I kept running as fast as I could but I slowly started feeling the heat in my body intensify. 

I reached the exit. I was practically uninjured except for the fact that I couldn't catch my breath. I felt some arms grab me and start patting me. 

"Why would you do that! I thought you were dead! Don't ever do that again!" Draco started yelling at me while he inspected my body for any injuries. "I was about to kill Theo!" He continued badgering me. 

I stood up straight and hugged him. "I'm so glad you're ok," I told him as I kept a tight grip around him. I pulled away. "Draco there's something I need to tell you before we keep going-" I started but he interrupted me. 

"y/n, I will Marry you. I want to marry you." He yelled. I looked up at his eyes. "I thought If I married you I would only bring you pain and danger, but I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I want to have children with you, I want to grow old with you. I want to Marry you." He finished.

I couldn't help but let out a slight laugh. "Funny you say that." I joked and his eyebrows furrowed slightly. "Draco...I'm pregnant." I told him and I could see shock fill his eyes. 

"What! And you let me throw you in a fire!" Theo screamed at me from behind Draco. 

The moment would've lasted longer but now spells were getting thrown our way once again. Fred and Percy had appeared and were now fighting alongside us against death eaters. I fought a couple of them off and I turned just in time to see Rockwood throwing an explosive spell right in front of Percy and Fred. 

"PROTEGO!" I screamed pointing my wand at Fred and Percy and I just managed to see a protective layer form in front of them before we all were thrown back from the blast. There was debris everywhere so it was hard to see but I managed to get up and tried to spot everyone. 

"y/n!" I heard Draco call my name. 

"Draco!" I screamed back and I walked towards his voice. As the debris started falling I managed to spot everyone. Draco came towards me. 

"You ok?" He asked me. 

I nodded and I saw Percy getting up, Fred laying next to his feet. I stopped breathing for a few seconds. 

Fred then started getting up groaning from how sore he was. I gave a deep sigh of relief. He winked at me. 

"Is it too soon for jokes? Or should we wait until the dust settles?" Fred laughed as he got up smiling. 

We all laughed slightly before we continued fighting. Draco held my hand and we ran through the castle as we kept fighting together. 

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