(5) I'm not jealous.

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Artemisia's POV

"Do you think they're actually going to let all of us go?" My coworker Amy asks.

"I wouldn't be surprised. I heard the company is thinking about filing for bankruptcy. I just didn't think it would be this soon." I say.

"Total bullshit to let this group go. Our ideas are usually the ones they use, but they have one of the lazy-ass nephews take credit for it." She complains.

"That's what we get for working with a family business," I sigh.

The manager of our group walks into the conference room, and we all quiet down. "As you've probably heard, the company is letting people go. Unfortunately, it's true. We're thankful for all the work you guys have provided for the company, but you will all be receiving your last paycheck next week." He explains.

I look around and see some people tearing up while others are ready to cuss him out. I wouldn't blame them since he's a pain in the ass. How the fuck did he become the manager? Half the time, he doesn't even know what you guys are working on!

Amy sighs, and I wrap an arm around her shoulder. I didn't make many friends when I ran away, but she's the closest anyone has gotten.

"I have some connections on getting another job. I could hook you up if you want." Amy suggests.

I gratefully smile and say, "You are too kind for this world. I'm actually moving, so I don't think I'll be living here much longer."

Amy understands and says, "Wherever you go, I know you'll kick ass. Don't ever let anyone walk all over you."

"You know I won't," I say with a wink.

The manager continues talking about unimportant things, and Amy and I decide to leave in the middle of it. "I don't see a point of staying. Want to grab a bite to eat?" She asks.

"Definitely," I say, grabbing my purse.

I stare at my desk and decide to pack now. I grab all of my belongings and place them in a box. While Amy and I leave the building, one of the nephews stops us.

"I'm so sorry they had to let you guys go," Rob says, faking sympathy.

"I'm sure you are," Amy says, rolling her eyes.

He ignores her and turns to me. "Now that we're not coworkers, would you ever consider going on a date with me?" He asks.

I tilt my head, pretending to think, and smile. "Fuck no. I already have a boyfriend, and you never had a chance." I say sweetly.

He scoffs and says, "You'll come crawling back sooner or later."

"I'd rather die," I say, flipping him off. I walk away from him and follow Amy to the parking lot.

"Why did he think now was the time to shoot his shot?" Amy asks.

"I have no clue. I thought it was pretty clear I did not like him whatsoever." I say, causing Amy to laugh.

"I'm lowkey craving a breakfast sandwich from Starbucks," Amy says, always wanting coffee in her system.

I grin and say, "That's so weird! I'm craving one of their croissants."

"Perfect! I'll meet you there." She says, getting into her car.

Once we arrive, we both order our meals and sit at a corner table. "So... Tell me about this boyfriend," Amy says, knowing I don't talk much about my personal life.

"We only made it "official" a few days ago. We didn't see the point in waiting. When you know, you know, I guess." I say with a shrug.

No shit. He's your mate. Well, regular humans usually wait a long time before putting labels. Or at least go on a few more dates.

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