(22) I miss you already.

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Artemisia's POV

All I see is a bright light, but then something covers it. Or someone, I think.

"Artemisia." They say while I rapidly blink to clear my vision. That sounds a lot like-

I make eye contact with the person and gasp. "Mom?" I whisper.

"My baby is all grown up." She says, pulling me into a hug.

I flinch, remembering my bullet wound, but see nothing there. Ignoring my confusion, I pull my mom close. "I've missed you." I sob, not knowing if this is some dream.

"I know, baby. I watch over you every day." She says, wiping away my tears.

"What is happening?" I ask, still gripping onto her.

"This is a temporary waiting zone of some sort. You had a chance to leave Earth to join the moon goddess, and I'm here to send you back down." She says seriously.

"I don't get to choose?" I question.

"No." She states, swatting my arm.

"Can I stay with you for a little bit longer?" I ask, feeling more tears roll down my cheeks.

"Only a few more minutes. You've been in a coma for a few hours, and your little boyfriend is worried." She jokes.

"Husband. I was actually gifted a mate like everyone else." I say with a small smile.

"You deserve it, Artemisia." She says, cupping my chin. "And I don't just mean a mate. Being unable to be there for you while you were growing up is the one thing I can never forgive myself for. You deserve happiness, and I know you had difficulty realizing that. You've grown up to be a strong woman, and I'm proud of everything you've done."

"Don't beat yourself up, mom... Cancer is a bitch, both to humans and wolves." I say.

"The way your life panned out after my passing... Horrible. And if I ever get the chance to be in the same room as your piece of shit father and his awful family, they'll get what's coming for them." She says angrily.

"I love you," I state, pulling her into another hug.

"I love you so much, sweetheart." She says, holding in her tears.

"I want to stay..." I say with a pout. "There's still so much we need to catch up on."

"I know, sweetheart..." She answers, sniffling. "But your time isn't up yet. Your mate is waiting for you; don't torture him any longer." She says, slowly letting me go. "You're lucky you got a cute one." She says with a wink.

"He's the best. I really do love him, mom." I say, feeling giddy inside.

"Now, I don't want to see you until you're truly old and frail. And make me some grandkids." She jokes.

"I miss you already," I say, squeezing her hand.

The light slowly fades away, and my mom no longer holds my hand. Instead, I feel Kai holding my hand and hear a monitor tracking my heartbeat. I force my eyes to open, and Kai looks like he's fallen asleep. I lightly squeeze his hand, and he flinches awake.

"Hey..." I whisper.

He's jolted awake, and his eyes widen. "Isa." He says, tears forming in his already red eyes.

"What'd you do without my presence? Was it relaxing?" I joke.

He weeps in my arms, and I hold him close. "I'm here," I say soothingly. "I love you. I'm sorry for leaving."

"18 hours." He states as I run my hands through his hair.

He starts to calm down, and I press a kiss to his forehead. "I don't know what I would have done without you. I genuinely can't be without you, Artemisia." He says, squeezing my hands.

"My life would be incomplete without you. You're my mate." I say.

"For life. Don't ever tell me that moving on bullshit again." He says seriously.

He buried his face in the crook of my neck, and I closed my eyes. Still feeling groggy, I rub his back. "I'm sorry it took me a while. I was in this weird dream with my mom." I say.

"I'm just glad to see your beautiful eyes. You're awake, and that's all that matters." He says, cupping my cheek. "How are you feeling?" He asks.

"Whatever I'm on, keep me on it. I can't feel any pain." I say tiredly.

He pecks my lips and just stares at me for a moment. I use my thumb to wipe away his tears and continue to hold his hand.

"You took a fucking bullet for me." He says, letting out a shaky breath.

"I panicked! I didn't want you to get hurt, so I just moved without thinking and-" He cuts me off.

"I failed you. I couldn't even protect-" This time, it was my turn to cut him off.

"Kairo," I state. "I would do it again. There is nothing you could have done to stop me."

"But-" I give him a look that makes him shut up.

"The bottom line is that we both will always try our best to protect each other. You are my equal, just like I'm yours. But I totally love you more." I add with a smirk.

He wraps his hand around my neck, and I feel myself smile. He clenches his jaw and looks away. "I won't hesitate to bend you over my knee, Isa." He says with a slight smile.

"You can prove you love me more once I can feel again," I say tiredly.

He becomes serious again and asks, "Do you need water or food? Are you sleepy? Do you need some alone time? Or-"

"No. I want you to stay here. Please." I add, looking away.

He sits back down in his chair, but I force my body to give him some room on the bed. "I think it's best if you-" I glare at him, and he lays down beside me.

"Thank you." He whispers.

"That chair does not look comfortable," I respond.

"For protecting me. I don't think I thanked you." He says, making eye contact with me.

"I told you, I've got your back. You would have done the same if you were in my position." I say truthfully.

He carefully wraps his arms around me, and I naturally curl around him. "Do you have any update on the silver or Roxy? I can feel her, but it's like she's hibernating." I say.

"Once the silver is out of your system, she should fully recover, and you can shift again." He answers.

"How are you doing? We can discuss the rest later, but how are you feeling?" I ask.

"Really fucking grateful to the moon goddess for not keeping you. I felt our bond weaken, and I thought I was going to lose you. I tried mind linking you while you were in a coma, but it felt like no one was there to receive it." He says, pulling me close.

"I'm thankful I was given the option to return. My mom also made sure I would return to you. She approves of you, by the way." I say with a grin.

"Really?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

I nod, and he presses a soft kiss to my forehead. "You should rest now. Sorry for the worry I caused you." I whisper, noticing his droopy eyes.

"I'll always worry about you, Isa. You will always be my number one priority." He whispers back.

"I love you," I say, resting my cheek on his chest.


Thank you for reading! 💗

Byeeeeeeeeee! 👋

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