(6) Being rough isn't your specialty.

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Artemisia's POV

I wake up to the sun shining on my face and try to cover my face with a pillow. I hear Kai snoring beside me and glance at his sleeping state. How the hell can he look attractive sleeping? I move to fix his hair and then rest my cheek on his chest.

He wraps an arm around my waist and rasps, "Good morning Isa."

"Good morning." I beam. "Hungry?" I ask.

"Ooooh... I didn't know my mate was a chef." Kai mumbles, playing with my hair.

"Basic pancakes and bacon isn't anything to brag about," I say. "You need to help me empty the fridge."

"Gladly." He says, kissing my forehead.

When I leave the bathroom, Kai turns on the stove, only wearing his boxers. I walk towards him and hug his back while I rest my hands on his chest.

"Are you trying to cop a feel of these abs?" Kai teases.

I flash him an innocent smile and continue to watch him prep the pancake mix. "Do you have chocolate chips?"

I let go of him to check my small pantry and ask, "Do these work? It's not expired, I think?"

He checks the packaging and says, "Expirations are just suggestions."

I laugh and start to cook the bacon. Don't let the oil burn you.

While Kai waits for the pancakes to cook, he comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. "You look so cute right now." He murmurs, kissing the skin below my ear.

I snort and say, "I'm in my pajamas."

"I could help you out of them." He says, moving his hands under my shirt.

I gasp and say, "Don't make me burn the bacon. I hate when it's too tough."

He plays with my nipples, and I hold in a moan. "G-go back to cooking the pancakes."

"Are you sure?" He asks, continuing to pinch them while leaving kisses on my neck.

I lean my back against his chest and shut my eyes. "Hmmm..." I mumble before shaking my head out of his trance. "You're so distracting."

He pulls away to flip the pancakes and grabs two plates. I sense his smirk and mutter insults under my breath.

We move to the dining table, and I start eating. "Do you think we'll be able to finish packing everything tonight?" I ask.

"I think we can leave tonight if you want." He says.

"I hope everything fits in my car... You're driving, right?" I ask.

"Why? So you can nap the whole time?" He asks, knowing me so well.

"Whaaa...? I definitely wouldn't do that the whole time." I say, smiling.

He laughs and says, "Okay, I'll drive."

"I thought we could go out for dinner. I can take you to my favorite restaurant, and then we can leave?" I ask.

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