(13) You're one lucky bitch.

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Artemisia's POV

I wake up before Kai does and move into a more comfortable position. Once settled, I glance at his handsome face and lazily fix his hair.

Why can't you look good when you wake up? Rude much?

One of his eyes opens, and he immediately looks at me. My hand freezes near his hair, and I whisper, "Hi..."

"Good morning, beautiful." He huskily says in his morning voice. Goddess, he's hot. You're one lucky bitch.

His hands grasp my hips, and he places me on top of his chest. "Are you nervous for today?" He asks.

"I'm excited to kick some ass. Hopefully, I'll be good enough to win." I say, trying not to doubt myself.

"As long as you can keep your competitor on the ground for 15 seconds, you'll do fine. I'm sure you'll manage it. It's more for show than actually injuring the other." He says with a smile. I nod and take a deep breath.

"Don't forget we have that dinner tonight," Kai adds.

"Is this the one where the alpha is retiring soon and is saying goodbye? Or the one with a new luna because of some drama?" I ask curiously.

"...The first one." He hesitates.

"What restaurant is it at?" I ask, trying to return to my spot on the bed.

He flips us over, and I bite back a grin. "...I'm not sure, I'll check later. But be ready by 8." He says, resting his head on my breasts.

"Do you find this comfortable?" I ask amusingly.

"Yes." He says with a smirk. "It's nice." He adds.

"Your head weighs like a ton, by the way," I say with a laugh.

"I love waking up beside you. As long as you're by my side, I know I can accomplish anything. And if I do nothing, I know you'll still love me." He softly says.

"Don't you forget it," I say, pressing a light kiss to his forehead.

He nervously smiles and says, "I have some things to work on in my office, but I'll be there to watch you win."

Shyly smiling at his supportive behavior, I wrap my arms around him. He lifts his head and moves to kiss my neck. "I love you." He murmurs before slipping out of bed.

"I love you more," I say, grinning.

After he's done getting ready, I decide to do some light training while conserving the rest of my energy.


All too soon, it's time for my fight. Many of the pack warriors are here to watch, and then, of course, Kai and Ambrose. Since Atlas is the beta, he's the one I have to defeat for my title.

We both get on the mat, and I wait for him to make the first move. He tries to kick me off my feet, but I move back in time.

I land a few punches on his face, and his nose starts bleeding. He tries to grab my arm, but I twist it away from me. He lands a punch in my stomach, and I wince in pain. That's going to hurt tomorrow.

Feeling annoyed at Roxy, I use the energy to kick Atlas's ribs. He grunts in pain and grabs my foot. He tries to throw me onto the ground, but I hold onto his arm and balance myself.

I pull him closer and head butt his forehead. He staggers backward, and I punch the side of his face. He tries to balance himself, so I use this opportunity to kick him off his feet.

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