Chapter Ten, Day out gone wrong

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Pairing name: Merthur

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Pairing name: Merthur

Chapter Ten, Day out gone wrong

"Remind me again why we went hunting after a nice day out?" Merlyn asked as they walked towards a Tavern.
"Because I don't want my father to get suspicious and find out and end up banishing you or worse, Merlyn." Arthur told her, pressing a kiss to her cheek. "Now, let's go have a nice cold tankard of mead." Arthur said, as got his horse to trot down the hill. Merlyn rolled her eyes at him despite having a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Dollophead!" Merlyn said fondly, as she followed Arthur into the tavern joining him at his table.
"My. Aren't you pretty." A lady said as she came over to the table Merlyn and Arthur were sat at. "I'd snap her up if I were you." She said turning to Arthur making him splutter before getting a hold of himself.
"Don't worry I intend to." Arthur said smiling at Merlyn as she smiled back a blush on her cheeks.
"Good." The lady said. "So, what'll it be?" She asked, obviously the owner of the tavern.
"Two tankards of mead, please." Arthur asked, once she had left Merlyn raised her eyebrow at Arthur.
"Really?" She asked.
"Of course Merlyn." Arthur replied. "I've meant every word I've said to you and I will continue to warm your trust back."

"Thank you." Merlin said, when a waitress brought over their tankards.
"Don't tell anyone I said that, Merlyn." Arthur said sternly.
"I think that's pretty much a non issue now. Given the amount of times we've saved each other, everyone already knows, maybe not the extent of our feelings except us and Gaius. Well, everyone except your father." Merlyn said, shrugging her shoulders and taking a sip of her drink. When suddenly the door banged open and a thug walked in, making the whole tavern go quiet as he knocked plates to the floor.

"Afternoon, Mary. Business looks good." The thug said to the tavern owner who had greeted Merlyn and Arthur.
"We've had our better days." Mary answered, a slight quiver to her voice.
"I don't suppose you'd begrudge me my share, then." The thug said completely ignoring what Mary just said.
There was some discussion going on between the two before he pulled a knife on Mary when she came up short with the payment, which is when Arthur stepped in.
"Take your hands off her." Arthur ordered.

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