Chapter Two, Tears of Uther Pendragon Part 1

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Chapter Two, Tears of Uther Pendragon Part 1

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Chapter Two, Tears of Uther Pendragon Part 1

A lot has happened in the last few months leaving Merlyn feeling rather weary, but she was glad that Arthur knew the truth now. However, she was getting extremely worried about what Morgana and Morgause were planning, Morgana was sneaking out almost every night and the next time she did, Merlin would follow her.


Arthur looked around at the picnic setup near the lake that he had George setup. He was a very efficient servant if nothing else; but he was extremely dull. He knew Merlyn was stressed over what Morgana's plans were and so was he to be honest, it was no coincidence that his father suddenly became so ill, now that he knew about magic and Morgana he'd started paying closer attention and didn't like what he saw. But, he still felt extremely guilty over what had happened when the Kings were here for the Peace Talks. So he has decided to treat Merlyn with this picnic not only to make it up to her but to take their minds off yet another plot.
"Right, go and get Merlyn. Please." Arthur said as he looked over the food, blankets and pillows. "Oh, and George." Arthur called before the manservant could leave. "If you tell anyone about this, I'll have you strung up. Understood?" Arthur warned.
"Perfectly, Sire." George said bowing to Arthur before he left.

Twenty minutes later, Arthur could see George returning with Merlyn behind him and she took his breath away. She was dressed in a silver and white dress, the white sleeves were short and off-the-shoulder, with a cream floral patterned corset over the top, and her raven coloured hair was half pinned up with the rest falling down her back.
"Thank you George. That'll be all." Arthur said dismissively. George bowed and quickly left the two alone. "You look stunning, Merlyn." Arthur said, making a blush rise upon her cheeks.

"Thank you." Merlyn said shyly before she got her confidence back. "I see you met George." Merlyn giggled as Arthur rolled his eyes.
"He may be efficient in what he does..." Arthur started.
"Oh really?" Merlyn asked, interrupting Arthur. "Maybe he would be your servant then." She teased.
"No!" Arthur exclaimed loudly, making Merlyn laugh. "That man is the dullest man I've ever met. He makes jokes about brass." Arthur deadpanned shuddering dramatically making Merlyn laugh loudly as tears filled her eyes.
"Anyway," Arthur cleared his throat. "I thought we could spend the day together and have a picnic." He said awkwardly as he pointed behind him.
"It's perfect." Merlyn said happily as Arthur led her over to the picnic.

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