Chapter One, Arthur Finds Out

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Chapter One, Arthur Finds Out

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Chapter One, Arthur Finds Out

Merlyn had been locked in her room for the last two hours, the tears that long since dried leaving her cheeks feeling tight and dry. Gaius had been trying to get her to come out, but she had just laid on her bed ignoring him.
"Gaius." Arthur called as he entered the room only to stop at the glare that he received.
"I'm busy right now, Arthur. I don't know what happened between you and Merlyn, but she has locked herself in her room and refuses to come out." Gaius explained coldly.
"That's not like her." Arthur said, shocked with a frown wrinkling his forehead.
"No. It is not." Gaius agreed coldly.

"Gaius, I don't understand. She wanted to tell me something, but got upset believing I would hate her. Even when I assured her I wouldn't." Arthur said, confused as a look of realisation passed over Gaius' face.
"Sit." Gaius ordered, pointing at the table, before he started rummaging through his books. Returning shortly with a large tomb that he dropped into front of a very confused Arthur, the book hitting the table with a rather loud thud.
"If you truly love the girl I see as a daughter. Then you will read this with no comments, and no questions until you have finished. Once you have then, I will answer any questions. Now, read. I have work to do." Gaius ordered with a stern look.

Arthur nodded his head and turned to the page Gaius pointed to as the Physician started on his potions. Looking up at Merlyn's door Arthur sighed, hoping Merlyn would speak to them both after this. Turning to the book he frowned when he noticed the title, 'The Legend of The Once and Future King and Queen; Arthur Pendragon and Emrys or Merlyn Ambrosier.' Opening his mouth he turned to Gaius but the Physician's stern voice in his head stopped him. Closing his mouth Arthur turned back to the book and started reading, as he read his eyes became wide and he gaped a few times. Until he finished an hour later, sitting in a rather stunned silence.

He wasn't angry that Merlyn had magic, she couldn't help how she was born. What he was angry at however, was that this had all been put on her shoulders, because of his father's hatred and ignorance. Even though he had used magic himself and didn't listen to the consequences. And he was angry at himself, because his own ignorance had caused him to be attacked more and had caused Merlyn to fear his reaction. So, he understood why she hadn't told him.
"Arthur. Any questions?" Gaius asked as he walked over once he'd finished bottling the potion and putting out the fire.

"How does Merlyn not hate me? I've helped put some of her kind to death, making her job harder to protect me! She shouldn't have to protect me in the first place! All those times she's said she saved me and I thought she was joking, they were all true, aren't they?" Arthur asked as each attack by creature or otherwise played in his mind.
"Yes." Gaius said simply as he sat opposite Arthur. "Merlyn doesn't hate you, she hardly has a hateful bone in her body. She never told you because she didn't want to put you in a position where you had to choose between her and your father." Gaius explained.

"Is everyone born with magic? As the book didn't really say." Arthur asked, when something came to his mind that he hoped wasn't true. "Oh no! That was her father, wasn't it? And I told her what I told the knights; 'That no man deserves your tears'." Arthur said as a pit formed in his stomach.
"Yes, Balinor was her father. She didn't know before you both set out to find him. I told her, he stayed with Hunith in Ealdor, but your father sent knights to kill him and any who helped him. So he was forced to flee to protect Hunith and Merlyn. Hunith never got the chance to tell him she was pregnant." Gaius said grimly.

"And he made that speech about how Ealdor was in Cenred's Kingdom and he couldn't help with Canen!" Arthur raged. "Will didn't have magic, he saw how angry I was and protected Merlyn." Arthur sighed, closing his eyes, wondering how he hadn't turned Merlyn away from him with all that he's done.
"Yes. To answer your question; Merlyn is the only one to be born with magic. Even Druids have to use spells and enchantments to use it, but what Merlyn can do is elemental, instinctive. She is the most powerful being to have ever and will ever walk this Earth. She's a Mage." Gaius explained as Arthur's eyes widened.

"A Mage?" Arthur questioned, feeling in awe at the woman he loved. He never realised how strong she was, both physically and mentally.
"Yes, most witches and warlocks, like Morgause and Morgana..." Gaius said but he quickly stopped when he remembered who he was talking to.
"Morgana?" Arthur questioned stunned, making Gaius sigh.
"Morgause is Morgana's half-sister, and both are powerful witches who used their magic for evil instead of good. There have been many times where Merlyn would have been able to stop a threat before it started if she could say what she knew.

Anyway, they can't sense that Merlin is a Mage as she's essentially too powerful for them to sense and just think she's a simple loyal servant. But, some Sorcerers have realised Merlyn is powerful and wanted her to join them to bring Camelot to its knees, but each time she refused." Gaius explained.

For the next hour Gaius continued explaining everything to Arthur. Including the fables, how Merlyn is now a Dragon Lord and had spared the Great Dragon who now listens and obeys her. And how they will unite the lands of Albion, returning magic to the realm when Arthur is King and marries Merlyn. He even corrected all of Arthur's feats and told him the truth. Gaius even told Arthur of his fears that he's sometimes scared Merlyn won't return, especially as Morgana and Morgause know Merlyn will do anything to stop them.

"Merlyn never wanted to poison Morgana, it killed her to do it. But even then Morgana had chosen her sister and revenge over everyone else. So Merlyn had to make a choice, between Morgana and you and all of Camelot." Gaius explained. Arthur nodded his head as he took everything in, he knew what it was like to make those sorts of choices there was no choice really and he couldn't blame Merlyn, but he knew those choices stayed with you forever.
"I'm going to talk to her." Arthur said as he stood up from his seat. "Thank you, Gaius." Arthur said before he rushed up to Merlyn's door and knock three times.

"Merlyn! I know you're in there. I know everything, Gaius told me. I don't hate you, despite what you may think." Arthur said through the door. "In fact, I am so sorry you thought I would ever harm you, and I know that's mine and my hypocrite of a father's fault. But I love you Merlyn and I accept everything about you, including your magic. I wish you would open up so I can say this to you instead of a door." Arthur said with a sigh as he rested his head against the door. A moment later the door suddenly opened making Arthur stumble and lose his balance for a moment, before he caught himself on the door frame, making Merlyn let out a soft small giggle.

"I meant everything I said, Merlyn. I promise when I'm King and you're my Queen, you won't have to hide and live in fear anymore. I hate that I can't change the law now." Arthur said hurriedly as if he was afraid Merlyn would shut the door in his face.
"Thank you Arthur." Merlyn said happily, hugging him tightly and kissing his cheek. "And I love you too." Merlyn added, making a wide smile come onto Arthur's face.
"Gaius, can be scary sometimes." Arthur whispered, but he wasn't quiet enough it would seem.
"Oi!!" Gaius shouted, making Merlyn giggle, as smiles appeared on both men's faces. Both feeling glad and relieved that they had their old Merlyn back.

 Both feeling glad and relieved that they had their old Merlyn back

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