Chapter Twelve

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Song: My Dilemma- Selena Gomez & The Scene 

Waking up with a dagger pointed at your throat is exactly as terrifying as you'd think it is.

The man above me smiles sinisterly as his narrowed, crimson red eyes bore into mine. I glance to my left to see Hunter in the same position as me, nervously smiling. "Good morning, angel."

I shoot him a glare before returning my attention to the man holding the dagger to my throat. "Please kill him first."

"What!?" Hunter screeches. "We're on the same side! You're supposed to protect me!"

"Grow up, would you? Aren't you 24?" I roll my eyes. "Protect yourself."


"Don't call me that," I hiss, glaring at him again before facing the man above me, motioning at his dagger. "Go on, take him out. You'd be doing me a favor."

Hunter scoffs. "Unbelievable."

The man's eyebrows furrows in confusion as he glances between the two of us. "This is... seriously unexpected... but alright, if it will make you more cooperative."

He nods toward his partner to go ahead and kill Hunter, and I take that as my opportunity to knock the dagger out of his hand and wrap my legs around his neck, twisting until it snaps. Once he falls limp, I grab the dagger that the man above me had dropped and stab it through the other guy's chest, watching as his body crumbles before shoving him off of Hunter. Hunter's eyes grow wide as he looks at me, and I roll my eyes again as I begin packing my bag.

"Was that psychological trauma you put me through worth it?"

"No," I smile sarcastically before plunging the dagger into his shoulder. "But it is now."

Hunter's breath catches in his throat as he glances at the dagger, and he winces in pain as he slowly pulls it out of his shoulder. "Was--" He gasps. "That necessary?"

I sigh before I spin on my heel and slam him against the wall, my arm pressed against his neck while my other hand hovers the dagger over his shoulder yet again. "Keep talking to me and I won't hesitate to stab you again."

Hunter smirks. "Such a little tease."

"You disgust me."

I let him go before I throw my bag over my shoulder and head toward the door. Hunter follows behind, but right before I can open it, he steps in front of me, crossing his arms over his chest as he gives me that look that dad always does whenever he needs to lecture me on safety.

"Look, I know you're hell bent on never speaking to me again, but we have to communicate if we want to make it home alive. They know we hate each other and they'll use it to their advantage, so maybe tone it down a bit, okay?"

I bitterly laugh. "Trust me, they would understand if they had to rely on an asshole."

I shove past Hunter and walk out of the room. He sighs again as he walks beside me, and when we walk outside of the hotel, I lead the way on the trail.

"We need to get to the safe house as soon as we can," He calls from behind me.

"I think I know that," I glare over my shoulder at him, but then he suddenly pushes me against the wall of the alleyway we entered, his heavy breath fanning against my face as his entire body presses up against mine. "What the hell?"

He nods toward the dagger that just barely missed my head in the wall beside me. He smirks when I look back at him, and I shove him off me before walking ahead of him yet again. "A thank you would have sufficed."

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