Chapter Four

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Song: Love & War- Yellow Claw ft. Yade Lauren

"Alaska Rivera," A deep voice speaks from outside of my cell. "It's time."

The man enters the cell, and I'm once again met with the one who tied me up the first time. I roll my eyes as he traps my wrists in ropes, making sure to tighten them as much as they can to the point that they dig into my skin.

Did I mention they are laced with vervain?

"I'm not really down for these meetings with you," I hiss, glaring at him over my shoulder as he forces me to my feet. "I think the first time was enough."

He smirks, his hand digging into my shoulder as he pushes me toward the door. "I, frankly, have found amusement in our meetings-- too bad they'll be coming to an end soon after your meeting with the boss."

"I don't even know your name or your motive behind tying me up, yet you find amusement in doing it?"

"The name's Owen Emsworth. And if you had done some research on your family history, you'd know exactly who I am."

Emsworth. It's familiar, but no matter how much I wrack my brain, I can't remember why that last name is significant or what it has to do with my family. Whatever the connection is, it obviously isn't very good, and it's now resulted in some crazy dude and his minions wanting my head on a silver platter.

Owen drags me down the dim hallway, the only sound echoing through the air the bottom of our shoes smacking against the cement. Other than our shoes, eerie silence fills our surroundings, and by the dread balling up in the pit of my stomach, my intuition tells me I'm more than likely being led to my death.

What a way to go out with a bang.

At the end of the hallway, Owen opens a door, revealing an almost cathedral-like room. The walls are painted mahogany, with the only light being torches that line the walls. At the end of the room, there's a large crest made out of stained glass that showcases the letter "D", and in front of it is a tall, black chair with the same crest in the center, as if it is fit for a king-- or in this case, the boss. Nobody else is in the room besides Owen and I. He pushes me towards a pillory, and I assume it's there for decoration, but when he forces my head into it and locks it, I literally laugh out loud.

"What's funny?" He questions, glaring as he tucks the key in his pocket.

"You seriously locked me in this?" I laugh harder. "What are we in, the 17th century?"

Owen rolls his eyes. "The boss requested that you be secured until his arrival. I really don't know why, though. I doubt you'd be able to inflict damage."

If I wasn't trapped in a damn pillory, I'd show him what I could really do and snap his neck like a twig.

Then, the door opens, and vampires begin pouring in, all wearing black cloaks that cover their faces; yet, their glowing eyes still prod me as they each take their time examining me. The last to enter is the girl who ever so kindly teased my heart with a dagger. As they file in, they line the long aisle that leads to the chair in front of the stained glass. Once all of the vampires are in, a tall, brooding man enters, the impact of his combat boots against the floor echoing throughout the room. Like the others, he wears a cloak to cover his face, but his has red lining on the edges, and the same crest as the stained glass and chair shimmers on his chest. He stalks down the aisle toward the chair, and once he reaches it, he sits down, throwing his leg over one of the armrests. Following him, Hunter enters, clad in a mid-sleeve black button up that also holds the "D" crest on his chest, black jeans, and combat boots similar to what the man in the chair has on. His wavy hair hangs loosely in his eyes, and as he stands beside the pillory I'm trapped in, arms crossed over his chest, I have to restrain from letting my jaw drop.

Heart of IceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon