Chapter Eight

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Song: I'm Missing You- Sunjae

I totally do not love it.

"You took us to a club," I hiss while he stands proud beside me, his eyes like a child's on Christmas morning as he watches the festivities inside. "You realize I'm underage, right?"

Sarcasm drips from his laugh as he pats my shoulder. "Not my problem."

Hunter strolls into the club, confidence radiating off him as the girls sitting at the tables by the doors instantly gawk at him, almost like the real Ian Somerhalder just made his grand entrance. He winks their way, and I roll my eyes as I follow him inside, receiving little to no attention like Hunter does. I stand at the front of the club, the booming music flooding my ears as vibrations pound against my throat and chest. I glance around, attempting to find Hunter in the masses, but he's managed to slip out of my vision.


Making my way to the bar, I sigh, sitting at the end where no one is and where the music isn't as loud.

"You seem a little down," The bartender walks toward me, shaking a concoction with vigor. It's clear he's experienced as a mixologist, especially when he smoothly flips the silver cup in his hand and pours the perfect amount of liquor into a martini glass. He pops a cherry onto the rim and slides it to the girl a few seats down from me, who winks flirtatiously at the bartender. He chuckles before directing his attention back to me.

"I'm not," I mutter, rolling my eyes as I rest my cheek on my palm. "I just lost my friend, so now I'm alone."

It is it bad that I physically cringe when I call Hunter my "friend"?

"I see. But aren't you a little young to be in a club?"

If only Hunter had that common logic. "It wasn't a concern he had. And we're not exactly close to home, so he thought this would be a good place to make a pit stop before we... continue our trip."

He nods before leaning on the counter. "Ah, so you're on a road trip? Where are you headed?"

Well, I wouldn't exactly call running from a man who wants my head on a gold platter a go-lucky, carefree road trip, but it's a nice sentiment. I think I would've much rather preferred that kind of road trip and not a run-for-my-life-because-I'm-one-of-the-rarest-vampires-to-ever-live-and-that-means-people-want-me-dead kind of trip.

If we're being honest, I prefer a normal life where I'm not a vampire who's first love has become her greatest enemy.

"He's our itinerary, so your guess is as good as mine," I glance at the shelves behind him, taking in the various bottles of expensive liquor. "Think you could slip me something strong for my troubles?"

He chuckles. "Nice try, but I'm not allowed to serve minors, no matter how tempting. I do have some orange juice though, if you'd want some of that."

"I already have one idiot treating me like a five year old. Please don't become another idiot."

"Got it. Just thought I'd offer."

He winks, and I shake my head, a small smile spreading across my lips. I glance around the club again, and finally, I spot Hunter. He lounges at a table in the darkest corner of the club, a girl on either side of him, their hands roaming his body as his head leans against the booth, a smirk on his lips and his eyes closed. It's as if he feels my stare, because his eyes snap open and instantly land on me, his smirk growing bigger. My cheeks burn as I whip my head toward the bartender, and if I hadn't met his eyes before looking away, I would've missed when he caught sight of Hunter too. The bartender nods in Hunter's direction. "I'm guessing that's your friend."

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