Chapter Twenty-Six

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Song: Labyrinth- Taylor Swift

I quickly unwrap myself from Hunter and stand a good many feet away from him. I clear my throat, heat rushing to my face as I avoid eye contact with both of them. "I didn't know you were coming in."

"Well, Theo told mom about all the shit that's been going down with Bloodbound, so he called in some extra help. But honestly, Italy got boring without all the vampire drama, so I gladly accepted the invitation," Cleo waves her hands around as she talks. Then, she looks at Hunter, batting her eyelashes as her eyes roam over him. "Plus, I'll take any chance to see this hunk of yummy that you stupidly call an enemy-- although it seems that's not quite the case anymore."

I mentally facepalm myself. Cleo is my great aunt's granddaughter, and although we still keep in touch with that part of the family, I had learned that interactions with the majority of them had basically ended after my grandparents died. Cleo and her parents stayed relatively close to us, so we had grown up together and she had been my best friend my entire life, but once she turned eighteen, she moved to Italy and never looked back. She had never been about the vampire life, despite being trained to handle every aspect of our world. For as long as I could remember, she was always looking for an out from our way of life. Since she chose to come back and fight alongside us, I know she realized the seriousness of what we're up against.

As for her relationship with Hunter, they had never been anything more than friends. I never knew why they never pursued anything, considering they're closer in age than he and I are. Sure, she always flirts with him and definitely has heart eyes for his physique, but it never goes any further than playful flirtation from her; in fact, she teases me about being with him more than she ever flirts with him, and that's saying something— which is why I know that as soon as she gets me alone, I'll never hear the end of what she just saw.

Good thing she didn't walk in sooner.

At her comment, Hunter rolls his eyes. "Cleo. I always jump for joy when you're in town."

Her grin is dazzling as she clasps her hands together and presses them against her cheek. "Of course you would, mi amor. If it wasn't because you've been stuck on Alaska since her literal day of birth, I would've jumped on you the second I saw you." 

There is absolutely no reason for me to be jealous, but my insides burn with it anyway. "Okay, then. I'm done training, so why don't we go to my room, Cleo?"

"Definitely. It appears you have a lot to tell me," Cleo links her arm through mine before winking at Hunter. "See you at the dinner table. Make sure you save me a seat beside you."

I don't dare to sneak a glance at Hunter. I can't suffer any more teasing and questioning than I'm already going to get from Cleo. And it doesn't take her long, because as soon as our feet hit the stairwell, she starts her rambles.

"That was a spicy moment back there, huh?" She bumps my shoulder. "I never thought I'd see a real life play-out of the romance books I read."

"We were just training," I don't sound the slightest bit convincing.

"Oh please. Training doesn't involve kissing. Unless that's a new form of training in the Rivera house-- then sign me the hell up."

"Oh my God, Cleo. You have no filter at all."

"It's what makes watching you squirm when I talk about Hunter so fun."

"He's my enemy. Nothing more."

"Oh, there's definitely something more," We reach my room, and she shoves me in, closing the door behind her before pressing her back against it. Her smile is so wide, her face could split in two. "And I need answers pronto."

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