Chapter Forty-Three

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Song: Broken Pieces- 5 Seconds of Summer

"Is this a protest against sleeping with me?"

I glance behind me to find Hunter leaning against the door frame, clad in a pair of basketball shorts and a t-shirt. His head is tilted to the side in genuine curiosity as he eyes me. I'm sprawled out in the middle of the couch with my pillows and blanket from my bedroom, happily tucked in for bed. But the way he questions my intentions makes me wince. "Don't say it like that!"

"It wasn't intended to be dirty," He hisses before a smirk quickly spreads across his face. "Unless you would prefer that."

I grab one of the uncomfortable decorative pillows from the end of the couch and whirl it at his head, to which his cat-like maneuvers respond and he ducks just in time. His smirk grows wider as he grabs the pillow and throws it on the chair beside the couch, and I roll my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest. "You disgust me. Anyway, I need to sleep, so please find a place and let me get to it."

"So you want me to stay?"

I look away. "If you must."

After dad left the gym, I cried like a baby for a little bit, but then I pulled up my big girl pants and realized it wasn't that serious. Well, in some ways it was-- Hunter did  hurt me, yet again, and I was angry at him for it-- but in other ways, all dad was saying was that I needed Hunter until we could defeat our enemies. He kept me safe— there was no denying that. At least, that was the way I interpreted it. There's also the fact that I felt like the shittiest person in the world when dad said he was disappointed in me and said I should still respect Hunter, which I agreed with. It annoys me that I know Hunter always has my best intentions at heart, even if I get hurt in the process. Guess that's the consequence when you're being tracked down like a wounded deer in hunting season. So, that led me to my night time plan, where I indirectly ask Hunter to casually keep me company so I can sleep peacefully and train better. It totally is not because I still miss him and just want him around.

Not at all.

"Well, I mean..." Hunter walks to stand in front of the couch and stretches obnoxiously. "I wouldn't want to intrude..."

"Just lay down already!"

My cheeks burn red as Hunter raises his eyebrows and smirks again. I look everywhere but him, continuing to ignore him as he dives onto the couch and happily covers himself up with my blanket. He doesn't move toward me at first-- doesn't even try to touch me-- but then he leans his face closer. "Can I ask why we're sleeping on the couch though?"

"So you can keep your distance," I mutter, shoving his face away gently. I make myself comfortable and tug more of the blanket my way, while Hunter also adjusts himself. He continues to glance at me, clearly confused.

"Seems like an... innovative idea. But how do you want me to be able to keep the nightmares at bay then?"

I find his hand under the blanket and intertwine my fingers with his, not sparing a glance his way. Why am I so embarrassed? I feel like a fifth grader advancing some moves on her crush for the first time. This is Hunter, for goodness sakes. I've held his hand since my literal birth. So why does this feel so different?

Hunter doesn't say anything. My embarrassment dies down at the thought that he just accepted it and will comply, which also kind of warms my heart, but then, I hear the silent giggles he's stifling, and my embarrassment comes back full force when he busts out laughing. "This is the most kindergarten love affair moment I've ever had in my life."

"Whatever. I knew it was a bad idea," I mutter, attempting to pull my hand away, but his laughter abruptly stops and he tightens his grip on my hand.

"No, wait," Hunter whispers. "I was just kidding. If this makes you comfortable, then I'll do it every night. I just want you to be able to sleep peacefully."

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