Chapter Twenty

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Song: I'll Be Home For Christmas- Bing Crosby

The next couple days that pass are filled with anxious worrying and waiting. Even though I half expect Demetrius and Bloodbound to show up on our doorstep the very next day, the other half knows he won't be so obvious. It will be on his time, and when we least expect it-- that way, he has the bigger advantage and can easily sneak his way in to surround us.

Christmas eve has finally arrived, and I gave Demetrius the benefit of the doubt to believe he would at least let all of us enjoy a holiday as special as Christmas. If he has even the tiniest bit of a heart, then he knows how important family is on those two days-- even if I'm forced to be away from my family. That's the hardest part. I'm glad to have Hunter with me, but I really miss the rest of my family-- especially mom and dad-- and I miss them even more when I think about how they always made Christmas the best day of the year. Everything they had done on Christmas since I was born made it my favorite time of the year. I never had nightmares during Christmas.

Since the night Hunter took me on a.... date, things between us have taken more of a 180 turn than they already had. Every day, he made us breakfast, then we would go train and goof around, and in the evenings, we'd have our relaxation time. Lately, that involved him laying on the couch, using the headrest part of it to sketch in his book, while I curled up against his chest reading a book. It was peaceful, he was comforting, and most of all, it just felt... natural. Like there was no other way we could exist with each other.

We've rarely fought since then, too. Conversation flows easily between us, and when there's silence, it isn't awkward or tension filled like it once used to be. It feels as if a weight has been lifted, as if the concrete walls built up between us suddenly allow for a door where we aren't hiding from the other. And I might have let him steal a kiss or two, but that's just minor details...

After we finish our training on Christmas Eve, Hunter decides it would be nice to rest for the day and then have dinner later in the evening, since we usually had a big family dinner with the pack. He spent a good bit of time in the gym, and I tried to read in our room, but I just couldn't shake the sadness that sank into my bones and surrounded my heart. I want to be home. I want to sit with mom by the fireplace, bundled up in blankets, watching the snow fall while we talk about life and good memories. When I pause from reading my book-- even though by that point, I'm not even remembering what I'm reading and am just looking at the lines-- I glance out the window to find that a light snow has started falling, causing my heart to contract more. I know there is a possibility I might never see my family again. All I want is to see them one last time.

I move to the rocking chair by my window and bring my knees to my chest, watching as the snow just barely covers the ground with white flakes. I sigh, closing my eyes as I take myself back to better times, like Christmas morning when I was 13. I can still see it as clear as day. I walked into the room, seeing mom, dad, Hunter, and the rest of the pack gathered around the tree. I sat beside Hunter, playfully bumping his shoulder as we grinned at each other. Mom began handing out presents to everyone. We all opened our gifts, showcasing what we received to each other, and I can still hear uncle Tobias' whine when mom gifted him a shirt with Dan from Gossip Girl on it.

"You know I'm a Chuck Bass fan!" He glared at mom, and she laughed. "This is some bullshit."

"You don't want to showcase Gossip Girl himself?"

"Nobody even likes him, Melody. I'm genuinely offended."

Their bickering went on for longer, and while they went back and forth, Hunter pulled a small box out of his pocket, handing it to me. I grabbed it, giving him a questioning look, and he just motioned for me to open it. When I did, I found a beautiful sterling silver ring that had tiny diamond angel wings on the front, and on the inside, "my angel" engraved. I ran my finger over the engraved letters, tears building up in my eyes as I glanced at Hunter. "This is so beautiful, Hunter. But I didn't get you anything."

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