Chapter 80

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December 31,2020

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December 31,2020

"SHUT UP"Wesley, Adelaide and Noelle exclaimed as the three of them watched the movie in front of them.

The others just laughed at them seeing that theyre so concentrated on the movie as if they havent watched it yet already when clearly they have.

"Stop moving, Evie"Harry chuckled, holding her head steadily as he tried doing the milkbraid style on her hair.

Noelle just huff at him before making herself comfortable on the floor and inbetween Harry's legs for the last time.

"This is what? The hundredth time we have watched this movie"Quinn said as she sipped on her wine.

"Its not their fault they love their dad"Robert shrugged.

"Im here for Pepper"Noelle chided making Robert roll his eyes and Susan to laugh.

"And Im here for Mackie"Wesley added as Addie high fived him a for a second.

"Im here for the grandpa"Adelaide grinned seeing Steve fight Thanos on the screen right now.

"Iron man team sucks"Wesley frowned.

Almost immediately, Noelle turned her head to the side making the braid that Harry is doing loosened.

"Christ"Harry sighed going back to braid it again.

"Youre so tasteless"Noelle glared at her brother.

"And youre blind"Wesley stuck out his tongue on her.

Noelle gasped before pouncing at him but Harry held her as Wesley went to Jeff who is beside him making the man grunt softly at how heavy Wesley is.

"Hey hey, no Im doing your hair"Harry scolded as Noelle pouted.

"He's being mean"Noelle turned her head back to the TV.

"Its okay Daddy"Exton looked at Robert who faked sobbed, "Youre forever my hero"

"NO HE'S MY HERO"Avri exclaimed on Glenne's lap making her laugh softly and coo at A.

"Oh please, he's mine"Adelaide added making Avri cross her arms and glare at her sister.

Robert then nudged Susan, wiggling his eyebrows at her as the kids continued to bicker. Susan chuckled before shoving him away making him feign a gasp.

"Daddy is our hero"Susan smiled at them making them all cheer.

Avri then happily clapped making Glenne bounce her on her lap softly as the others chuckle and cheer for her claps.

Suddenly, loud heels clicking on the floor interrupted them making them all look at the door. With a grin, Kurt entered the living room with a smiling Ian behind him.

"IM HOME"Kurt yelled throwing his arms up as they chuckled at him.

Noelle smiled at him as he winked at her while Harry tied the last braid before plaiting it softly, careful not to tug it too hard.

Kurt then dug something in his bag as Robert chuckled, shaking his head while drinking his wine. Then Kurt held out a bottle of wine as Susan grinned.

"Lets get this party started, whores" Kurt excitedly yelled as Adelaide stood up with Wesley.

Then some of them followed Kurt to the kitchen to ready everything as Harry fist bumped Jeff for a second as Jeff stood up to join them.

"Did he just called us who—"Robert blinked as he and Susan stood up.

"Yes he did,now lets go"Susan smiled before dragging Robert to the kitchen.

Noelle whimpered softly as she moved to the side from on top of him. She sighed when she hit the bed before moving to her side to wrap her arms om his waist and nuzzle her head on his neck.

"Its not funny Harry" Noelle pouted as she felt Harry's body rumble with his laugh.

"M'sorry, baby"Harry smiled kissing her head as he adjusted his body to wrap an arm around her shoulders, "Didnt hurt you though right?"

Noelle hummed, shaking her head, "It was perfect"

Harry smiled again. He might have went too rough earlier and he saw how Noelle loved it but of course, he still needs to assure things.

This year was good, it might be a little bumpy because of the pandemic and some fights but it was good, as long as Noelle is beside his side and his family.

All year, Harry never wouldve thought that he's with Noelle. Well he did think that Baby Angel is literally just in his head for a long time but now she's here, in his arms safe and sound.

"Im so glad that youre here with me"Noelle softly said as he fingers starts to trace shapes on his bare skin, "Months ago, i was afraid that I wouldnt be able to celebrate holidays with you"

Harry frowned at that, he did noticed Noelle getting sad months ago whenever they mentioned holidays, he asked whats wrong but the girl just smiles at him and kiss him softly so he assumed that she was just getting homesick.

Tangling his fingers on her hair, he tugged at it a little making him her look up at him, his green meeting his grey ones.

"No matter what, we'll always celebrate holidays together and I mean it"Harry stared deep in her eyes as they can hear the loud noises form upstairs indicating that New Year is nearing, "Nothing can tear us apart remember? Even if Im far away, i'll always come home"

Home sounds nice to hear.

Harry always thinks that Noelle is his home and he knows that Noelle's home is him also. There's no words needed for it, they just know it and thats enough for them.

"Youre my home, remember? I'll always go straight to you"Harry smiled bopping her nose a little making her smile.

"I love you"Noelle said, kissing his chest softly before laying on it.

Harry hummed as he felt his body relaxed under her. The noises got louder downstairs and they can hear them countdown.




I only wish that this year will be a great year for us




New year and new blessings



Promises will come true soon, my baby angel

Harry looked down at his angel who is laying softly with her eyes closed, enjoying their peace time together before he leaned down, pressing a kiss on her head, lingering his lips there.

"Happy New Year, Styles"

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