Chapter 8

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October 9, 2018

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October 9, 2018

"I can't believe he had the guts to serenade you in our table"Andre laughed loudly as Noelle and her friends walked out of the school.

"That guy can't sing for his life"Jade rolled her eyes while sipping on her juice.

"Just who does he think he is"Tori scrunched her face.

"Harry Styles?"Robbie joked.

Earlier at lunch, the gang was eating happily at the cafeteria outside when Jake ruined it. He literally went over them with a smirk and started calling Noelle, Elle that she's starting to hate.

Noelle just looked at him before dumping her iced coffee on his head making all the students gasp. Then everyone cheered, Noelle is known in their school, all people basically adores the girl except for the girls that Jake is sleeping with.

"You've done good, Queen"Cat grinned placing a hand on Noelle's arm.

"Thanks but I couldn't do it without you guys"Noelle winked at them.

"Nah even without us, you still stand tall"Jade said with a proud smirk.

"But guys, we stick together"Noelle said as Tori wrapped an arm around Noelle's shoulder.

"Hell yeah we do"Andre fist bumped the air.

Then they started talking about their other friend who is in Canada because of family business before Noelle's phone rang. She immediately opened here phone from her hand before widening her eyes.

  Look ahead

Noelle tore her gaze from her phone before looking ahead as her and her friends started walking towards the gate of the school. She groaned lightly seeing the familiar car that she saw when Harry sent her a picture of one of his cars.

"I gotta go now"Noelle locked her phone before adjusting her skirt.

"You don't want me to drive you home?"Jade asked looking at her.

"Nah, someone's picking me up"Noelle shrugged as she received confused stares. "I'll see you guys tomorrow"

"Tomorrow?"Robbie making Jade groan loudly.

"Karaoke dokie"Tori punched his arm lightly.

"Oh right yeah"Robbie chuckled scratching his head making Cat giggle.

"Alright, take care you guys"Noelle waved as she started walking away from them.

"Bye!"her friends waved at her as she blew them a kiss.

When she's a little far from them, Noelle quickened her steps and went to the car while her friends stared at her back.

"I'll bet it's someone we know"Tori raised her eyebrow as the others agreed while still staring intently.

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