Chapter 26

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March 11, 2019

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March 11, 2019

"That was a long flight"Wesley blinked as they took a seat in the passengers seat of the taxi, "I don't remember flying that long from Cali to London"

"It's not that long"Noelle chuckled as she put her bags on under the seat.

"You slept the whole flight"Wesley exclaimed looking at her sister making Harry laugh.

"It's a gift"Noelle cheekily shrugged before leaning her head on Harry's shoulder.

Wesley just grumbled at her before crossing his arms as Harry wrapped his arms around Noelle who snuggled close at him.

"Luck for you, my house s'not that far"Harry smiled looking at Wesley.

"Really?"Wesley looked back at him while his eyes sparkled.

"Yeah"Harry chuckled at him making Wesley fist bump the air while Noelle laughed.

Then, Noelle opened her phone that's been on her hand ever since they arrived. She scrolled to the social media as Harry looks at it too looking at Noelle's feed while she hums a tune that's been going on in her head for a day's.

"Hold on-..... Woah woah, what?"Wesley talked to himself as he noticed the familiar streets and roads before he leaned to the window to check, "Holy shit!Oh my god, how could I not noticed this?!"

Noelle furrowed her eyebrows hearing her brother making her look at him with Harry following her movements.

"Sup, Night?"Noelle asked looking at her brother.

"Oh my god, I can't believe this"Wesley widen his eyes leaning away from the window before looking at Noelle and Harry. "Harry Styles lives blocks away from us"

Noelle and Harry just looked at Wesley before looking at each other. Noelle blinked before looking back at Wesley who still freaking out, aka his fanboy mode is on.

"Move"Noelle said pushing Wesley out of the way to check, then she saw the familiar streets. "Down"

Noelle pulled Wesley down on the seat as both of them leant down making Wesley confuse.

"Wouldn't want to ruin the surprise"Noelle shrugged as they sat up straight now that they passed their house.

"I thought you guys live on Brighton"Harry asked with disbelief etched on his face not knowing completely that he literally bought his house near the Downey's.

He swore he didn't know and he knows that the Downey's were private about some of their houses.

"Well yeah but that house that we passed is another house that my mom loved dearly"Noelle explained as the taxi's paced slowed down signalling that they're almost at Harry's house.

Then, Harry's fanboy mode was on but he didn't show it to them but the smile on his face was enough evidence making Noelle chuckle.

"Small world"Wesley grinned as he and Harry high five each other.

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