Part 39

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Hello guys, as promised new part is updated. Once again sorry for taking so long to update my stories.

Anjali looked at the woman confused, who is covered from head to toe in burkha. Coming near her she asked “Who are you? And how did you came inside?”
The woman wearing burkha is Sheethal, who replied to Anjali “I’ve appointment with ASR. He had agreed to meet me.”
Aman who had come out of the study after getting a call from security gaurd heard their talk, coming to them “Di, she is right. *looking at the woman* come Arnav is waiting.”
Anjali looked at suspciously, Aman led Sheethal inside the study room. Once entering inside, she removed the veil from her face. Looking at their questioning face she replied “I did not want anyone to know about my coming here.”
Arnav waving his hand “Sit”, Sheethal sat down in the lone sofa, Aman and Arnav sat on the long sofa across from her. Arnav “You said you had something to tell me.”
Sheethal “Yes, it is regarding Khushi.”
He stiffened, sharing a look with Aman he nodded at Sheethal. Sheethal “I know ASR, after what I and my brothers did in the past you have no reason to believe my words but I have come here with good intention and knows how much you love your wife. So for her sake listen to me keeping your doubts aside.”
Arnav “Go on…..”
Sheethal was going to tell them for what she came when a knock interrupted. Aman narrowing his eyes said a terse “come in”
Private detective entered the room, nodding at Arnav and Aman, he glanced at the woman and narrowed his eyes “What is she doing here?”
Arnav “Come and have a seat Detective. Sheethal has something to say.”
Detective “but….”
Aman “Let us listen to her first.” then turning to Sheethal “Go on, you don’t have to worry about him. He is trustworthy.”
Nodding Sheethal shared the details of some very important information with them. At the end of it, Private Detective snarled “You lie. It is you who is behind Mrs. Raizada. I have proof with me.”
He showed them the camera footage. Sheethal “Yes, it is me. I had went to the bank to open the account. But it was not for me. As I said it was an order I followed.”
Glancing at Arnav and Aman “I know you have hard time believing me. But I have proof with me.” she placed a USB flash drive audio recorder and showed them few photographs.
“Here, these will be proof enough.”
Arnav nodded his head, Aman took the flash drive and played.

Now what Akshay? Client is demanding for her.”
“I know Dad. I’m trying. That Jasmine is good for nothing. She gone and got caught. It is good that she does not know our identity else that Raizada would have reached us till now.”
“I want him to suffer” she shreiked in fury “After what he did to me? He will not have a peace in his life, he should live in agony.”
Sangram Sisodia put an arm around her shoulder “you will have your revenge. Just be calm dear.”
Akshay, kneeling before took her hand, gently patting it “He will live a more than worse life. And we will give it to him. What if things did not go as we planned but it is not impossible. And Dad when we starve the wolf then only hunt will be fun, and it will shred its prey into peices. Soon Khushi will be in peices and Arnav Singh Raizada will wish death upon himself rather than seeing his Khushi like that.”
Akshay holding her gaze said in firm tone “Promise”

Arnav fist clenched, his eyes turning red in anger sat stiff, he wanted to throttle that man with his bare hands how dare he? He had touched the wrong nerve of Arnav Singh Raizada.
Sheethal gulped looking at him, seeing his hand working as if throttling someone. Aman himself was in anger, but controlling himself, he rubbed Arnav’s arm “Control Arnav. We have to think clearly. Nothing comes out of anger.”
Arnav glared at him “after listening to that you want me to calm”
Aman “yes, I want to kill him too but in anger we cannot think clearly and now we need to strategize to make a move from our side and once and all go for checkmate.”
Pouring a glass of water he passed it to him “here drink this.” not seeing him taking, he held his hand and pressed them to hold the glass. It was a mistake when a second later in anger Arnav had broke the glass.
“Arnav!!” shouting he got up, cursing he shouted for HP to bring first aid box. It was worried Anjali who came running. HP close behind her. Seeing the sight she exclaimed “Hey bhagwan, Chotte what did you do? Kitna khoon beh raha hai.”
She rushed forward, snatching the box from HP. Started cleaning the blood, and applied creame on it. Tying a bandage she chided “Itna gussa chotte, if you do not care for yourself or us at least think about Khushi. Bechari will be distressed.” hearing Khushi’s name, he jerked from the haze of anger he was in. Looking at his bandaged hand and then turned his attention to Anjali who looked at him worried and little angry.
Calming himself “I’m sorry.”
Anjali “What had happened that you hurt yourself?” she looked at him, then Aman, and turned her attention to detective and the shocked woman. Noticing her she stiffened and demanded “What is she doing here?”
Aman “Di, she has come here with vital information. And please we will let you and everyone know later.”
Arnav “Di aap jayiye abhi.” (Di, you leave for now)
Anjali “But……”
Arnav “Please Di” nodding her head stiffly she stood and left the room, straight to Dadi and Nani to rely the news.

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