Part 36

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Arnav glanced at his mobile phone as it vibrated with Khushi's bodygaurd's number. Frowning he excused from the meeting and came out of conference room to take the call.

He had not even had the chance to speak a word when his bodygaurd's anxious voice reached stopping him cold "Sir, Khushi mam is not here. We waited for her for few minutes but when she did not come out I went inside and looked for her. I even asked the student's around. No seems to know. I then checked with the staffs, one of her professors said she went out in the middle of the class excusing she was not feeling well. I cannot find her here."

Arnav could not breathe, Aman came out of the conference room to see what taking Arnav so long, seeing the state he was in he rushed to him concerned "Arnav, what is it?"

Seeing him shaken to the core, not able to reply to his question he looked at the phone in his hand, bodygaurd's voice from other side could be heard calling for Arnav. Taking the mobile from his hand he listened to what the BG is saying. Shaken himself he looked at Arnav standing like stone, ordering the BG to check the whole campus thoroughly once more he cut the call.

Holding Arnav's shoulder, he shakes him calling "Arnav, look at me"

Arnav gulping choked "Khushi...."

Aman "Nothing happened to her. They are checking again."

Arnav "But...."

Aman "Get yourself together. Did you forget, Khushi has tracking device on her?"

Arnav inhaled sharply forgetting about it. Yes he had gifted her a chain after coming to know about Jasmine. The pendant in the chain has tracking device he had put for her safety. Not wanting to take a chance. He had made her promise to never take it. Even a tracking device is put inside her bag. Is that not why two personal body guard was appointed for her. But the guard were allowed only in the campus ground and not inside the building. He should have forced the issue with the management. Now because of his carelessness his Khushi might be in danger.

Aman "Check it. I'll take care of the client's and meet you."

Arnav nodding his head ran to his cabin, a software is installed on his laptop so he could monitor the location and whereabouts of Khushi. In few second's he had knowledge of her.

Aman entered his cabin minutes later "I informed the client you got family emergency and needed to leave. They understood and agreed to re-schedule the meeting."

Taking deep breathe he asked "So did you get to know where is Khushi?"

Frowning Arnav said "she is moving, and traveling out of Delhi" at the same time he got a call from his bodygaurd who informed Khushi's phone and bag were lying on the back garden of the college. And also informed there was a message from Krishna from unknown number.

Arnav's temper started rising, he had the hunch Khushi's missing is related to Jasmine/Krishna. Arnav "She is being taken Aman. And we need to leave asap. Call commissioner."

Ten minute's later, Arnav's car drove away from the office, Aman kept his Arnav's mobile tracking Khushi's movement [afte installing the software in it]. Aman "I think they have stopped. From few minute's there is no movement." he said the location to Arnav, and the route. At the same time they informed to police too. His own bodygaurd's were following behind in another car.

[Note: I'm not aware much about how it works'. Any advice is appreciable.]

Outskirt's of Delhi,

Khushi is still cold due to the drug, Bhushan looked at her evilly "Jasmine was right when she said you are really beautiful. Tsk, your husband should never have touched Jasmine. Because of him my Jasmine is suffering inside the jail. If you are in pain, he will be in ten time worse."

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