s u n a ⋆ r i n t a r o u♡

170 3 2

{Twins. Fight. Angles.}

~S U N A R I N T A R O U~


The argument between the Miya twins started to get more intense.

Who knows what they were fighting about anymore.

Everyone in the gym silently watching and listening to the two bicker back and forth.

Suna just standing there staring remembering the last time they argued like this, it ended up with them getting in a fight.

As Suna remembers this he remembers the laughter that caused a glow on your face from seeing the videos and photos of them fighting.

Today Suna and you were suppose to walk home together meaning you were probably waiting in the library catching up on homework.

His eyes widened at the wonderful thought he just had.

As the twins kept of arguing he ran out of the gym calling you.

"Hi Rin," You said through the phone.

"Hi love where are you right now?" He while picking up the pace while he started running.

"Um I'm in the library like I said before, why? Also why are you breathing so hard are you okay?"

"Yeah sorry I'm fine. Could you pack up your things I wanna bring you to the gym for a bit."

"Okay I'll see you in a minute or two then, bye."

He pulled away the phone as he heard a beep indicating the call ending.

Suna started running faster as he did not want to miss the twins were bound to have.

Twisting and turning throughout the halls he finally made it to the doors of the library. Peeking inside he saw you in the middle of the library grabbing your bag and putting over your shoulder.

You looked up to meet his gaze as brought his hand up telling you to hurry. You quickly swung your bag on and started speed walking to the front of the library.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" You questioned.

"Twins. Fight. Angles," was all he managed to get out as he was still trying to catch his breath.

"Huh?" you said back. Before you could say anymore he wrapped his fingers around your wrist tugging you a bit.

Suna then started speed walking and picking up the pace every second while still holding your wrist.

You were behind him practically being dragged trying to keep up with his speed. The wind from the speed you were running at brushed all of your hair out of your face.

Suna still speeding up by the second you started running out of breathe.

"Rin I can't run anymore," you said looking at him. He turned his head around to see you trying to catch your breath and trying your hardest to breathe normally.

He didn't say a word as he kneeled onto the ground.

"Hop on we gotta go."

Without anymore words said you hopped onto his back putting your arms on his shoulders and hugging his neck from behind.

Suna then placed his hands under your thighs near your kneecaps helping you stay on.

As soon as he felt like you were stable onto his back he started running off once again.

After a minute of running a bit slower since he was carrying you on his back, you guys were in front of the gym doors.

"Atsumu and Osamu are about to fight and I wanted you to be able to see. I also wanted more angles for photos and videos too," he said smiling at you.

"Well then why are we still standing out here? LET'S GO I WANNA SEE!" You said excitedly.

Suna laughed softly at your reactions.

"Get your phone quickly I don't know if they've started fighting already or not," he told you.

You grabbed your bag off your shoulder and placed it on the floor. Starting to unzip it you saw it at the very left side of your bag and reached your hand in and grabbed it.

Handing your phone to Suna you zipped up your bag and threw it over your shoulders once more.

Suna handed you back your phone as you both entered the gym to yelling that was louder than before.

"THIS IS WHY I'M MOM'S FAVORITE AND I'M OLDER," Atsumu yelled at the gray haired twin.


You laughed slightly at the bickering that echoed throughout the gym

Before you knew it one of them had tackled the other trying to pin him to the ground.

"Come on this is our chance," Suna whispered to you.

Nodding your head you both unlocked your phones going to the camera app. You both started heading towards the twins making sure not to get too close.

Suna gently tapped your shoulder and pointed to the left telling you to go over there while he headed to the right.

Both of you started recording now as you were both walked around them watching them try to get the other to be pinned on the floor.

As you were recording you were also taking pictures, Suna doing the same as you.

You guys both tried not getting each other in frame just in case the video gets sent around.

You started kneeling down to the floor to get a better angle or their faces and what they were doing.

After a minute or two the coach came in to break up their fight. Atsumu and Osamu looked out of breathe from all the yelling and fighting they did.

You and Suna met back up with each other. He was smiling at you while you started giggling.

"This is gonna be some good content to get on my instagram," Suna said.

"Rin don't tell me you're the one who runs the fight account for our school," you said.

"Don't be too shocked why do you think I have such great videos of the twins fighting," he said smirking a bit.

You let out a loud sigh as you just looked at him.

Suna and you started to head over to the bleachers sitting down in the front row. You both sat fairly close to each other while pulling out your phones.

You guys decided you would watch Suna's clip first then yours after.

As you were watching the video you were laughing so hard to the point where your eyes started to water up.

Suna not paying attention to the video stared at you while you were laughing. He couldn't help but smile to himself a bit.

He wondered how it was possibly for someone to look this pretty while laughing, snorting and crying at the same time.


You kept on laughing and replaying that part of the video that you didn't even realized Suna wasn't even paying attention to the video.

He kept staring at you seeing you glow beautifully wondering how he got so lucky with you.

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heyo dudes
um idrk what to leave for an authors note
this time also sorry if some things
dont make sense, i get too lazy to proof read
and edit so:)anyway hope ya enjoy this one

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