m i y a ⋆ o s a m u ♡

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{My Boyfriend's Twin Brother}

~ M I Y A  O S A M U ~


" 'Samu I'm bored," you whined to your boyfriend.

Osamu and you had met at the convenience store nearby his school. You were at your grandma's house and had been asked to get some things for dinner.

While you were there you were having a hard time finding things and your way around. You had bumped into a tall silvered haired guy.

To your surprised he was actually very sweet and helped you around. After getting your things you and him decided to exchange numbers.

Weeks go by and you guys talk everyday. You hangout every once an while until one day he asks you out. Obviously you said yes to the offer.

Right now the two of you were hanging out in his room right before he had a volleyball game.

Cuddling in bed the boredom of just laying there started to eat you up.

You looked at the time and saw you still had around 45 minutes before you had to leave and head to the school.

This was the first game of his you'd be attending too since all the other times you had been busy with other plans. This would also be the first game you'd come to as his girlfriend.

You looked at Osamu to see he was still busy on his phone. Pushing your shoulder into his a little bit you nudged him.

He hummed as he turned his head to face you.

"Yes baby?"

"'Samu I'm bored," you whined to your boyfriend.

While looking at you Osamu thought of what the two of you could do.

"Do you wanna head to the school early then?" He asked.

You shrugged and said "sure."

You sat on the bed waiting for Osamu to get his stuff together before heading out.

The walk to the school was peaceful. You guys would talk here and there but it was mostly a comfortable silence filling the air.


You guys had just gotten to the school and Osamu told you to wait in the hall near the locker rooms. He said he'd be right back and walk you to the guy.

You stood there patiently waiting for him just going on your phone. A large shadow casts over your body as you slowly looked up.

A blond verison of Osamu was standing right in front of you. You thought for a bit remembering he did mention having a twin brother.

You gave him a kind of awkward smile.


Atsumu smirked. He thought you were really cute and was wondering what you were doing in the hall by yourself.

"Hey beautiful. What'ca doing here?"

"Um to watch the game?" You answered back questioning him a little.

Atsumu had been slowly leaning in closer closing you against the wall. His left forearm was placed near your head as he leaned down a bit.

"Hm cutie are you here to watch me?"

You were extremely confused on why he was talking like that to you. You had no idea who he was besides that he was Osamu twin brother.

You looked around the halls to try and avoid eye contact with him.

"No." You answered.

You were starting to get a little bit comfortable as you didn't know anything about this boy or why he was acting like this.

"So what's your name beautiful?"

"Uh, y/n."

"Such a beautiful name." He said flirtingly.

Thinking about what to do you didn't want to just walk away. This was your boyfriend's twin brother and you didn't want a bad first impression.

The door to the locker had just opened as Atsumu removed himself from the wall he trapped you onto. He was still pretty close but at least a few feet away.

You saw Osamu walking about and looked at the two of you back and forth really fast. He looked at you for a bit while you did the same thing with the twins.

You looked at Osamu once more and widened your eyes as you looked at Atsumu trying to tell him something. Osamu didn't know what was up so he just walked over to you guy.

He hugged you and gave you a peck on the lips real quick. As that happened Atsumu just watched with his mouth opened and eyes wide.

Did his brother just kiss the random girl he was flirting with?

As soon as you two pulled away from the hug he grabbed you by the waist keeping you close.

Osamu and you looked up to see Atsumu with a shocked face and that's when you remembered none of his friend knew about you.

"Oh Atsumu, I forgot to tell you this is my girlfriend."

You looked around awkwardly again and gave him a small smile and wave.

The locker room door opened once more. You saw an averagely tall guy with black hair and green eyes come out.

He walked up to the three of you staring at you.

"Is this the girl you've been telling me about Osamu," Suna asked.

Osamu nodded as he kissed the top of your head. Suna started walking over to you and stuck his hand out.

"Nice to meet you I'm Suna."

"Hi I'm y/n," you said shaking his hand.

The three of you heard a grunt as you all turned to face Atsumu. He had a huge pout of his face and just stared at Suna and Osamu.

"So you weren't going to tell your own BROTHER that you had a girlfriend?"

Osamu just shrugged and stared at his brother.

More boys started heading out of the locker and the four of you made your way to the gym.

Well that was an interesting way to meet my boyfriend's brother you thought. Osamu is probably going to laugh at that story when you tell him later.

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hey guys:)

LOL this one was not good at all but im super 

tired.i wanna write more but i also gotta 

watch anime and play valorant. and freaking 

school sucks man. anyway i hope yall are 

having a good day i love all of you.


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