m i y a ⋆ a t s u m u ♡

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~M I Y A A T S U M U~


The loud roars coming from the crowds echoed throughout the gym.

Standing by the railing on the bleachers you watched the Inarizaki team had just scored a point.

The drummers drumming created a vibration you felt on your feet. The spirit you felt from everyone around you was so bright and energizing.

Miya Atsumu was up next to serve as everyone in the crowds cheered loudly. Atsumu was handed the ball as he took six steps away from the serving line.

Getting to the spot he needed to Atsumu raised his hand and formed a fist. The loud roars and drums went completely silent after his hand raised.

Taking the moment in Atsumu dribbled the ball a couple times. You were still standing by the railings as you remembered what Atsumu had told you before hand.

'Cheer for me and scream my name as loud as you can.'

You took a deep breath in as you bent over the railing a little bit. Taking your hands you cupped around your mouth to make sure Atsumu would be able to hear you.

"DO YOUR BEST ATSUMU," you yelled as loud as you could.

Everyone in the crowds looked at you and each other with such confusion on their faces. They wondered why you would ever do something like that when Atsumu made it clear that he wants everyone quiet when he serves.

Gasps came from each sides of the gym as more eyes began to gaze at you.

You didn't think much of it as it was Atsumu's instructions for you to do but no one else knew that.

Atsumu tossed the ball up and did he approach for spike serve. He has a confident smirk wanting to impress you with the best serve he was going to perform that night.

His serve sore through the air in such fast speed no one could comprehend what was going on.

Barely hitting the line of the right side of the other court cheers roared once again as he just got a service ace for Inarizaki team.

The game went on as normal with each team scoring points here and there. You stared at Atsumu and loved the look of concentration on his face.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

You were standing outside the gym waiting for Atsumu to get out of the locker rooms. Inarizaki won 2-1 winning the last set with 25-18.

Eyes lingered on you as everyone remembered you as the girl who screamed during Atsumu's serve.

The boys from the other volleyball team were eyeing you as you were just standing there waiting.

You were wearing Atsumu's other jersey with light blue ripped mom jeans. You were on your phone as you looked up to see if you could spot anyone on the Inarizaki team.

Wondering what was taking this so long you felt a pair of arms wrap around your torso. At first you panicked thinking a random person came up to you but relaxed when you realized it was Atsumu.

He let you go so you could turn around and face him. In a swift move you were now facing him and see an adorable smile of his face.

His arms wrapped around your torso once more as you put your arms around his neck.

"Good job today Tsumie," you said into his ear.

"Well thank you love. Did you see that serve I did for you?"

"Yes, you were so cool," you said while smiling. You both let go from the hug and Atsumu bent down to your eye level to look at you.

"I was the best player out there don't you think?" He said with a cocky smile on.

"Hm I actually think Osamu did pretty good," you said teasingly.

Atsumu scoffed while bringing his hand to his heart. "Ouch," he said forming a big frown on his face. He was now looking at the floor while still frowning.

You brought your hand to cup the left side of his cheek to bring his gaze back up to you.

"Joking Tsumie of course you're the best. You always the best." You saw a big goofy smile form on his face.

You pinched his cheek lightly and pulled on it before letting it go.

"Ouch that hurt," Atsumu said teasingly. He brought his two hands to meet both sides of your cheeks.

You closed your eyes preparing for him to pinch your cheeks as well but a few seconds passed and nothing happened.

You opened your eyes and saw him extremely close to your face.

"Hi beautiful," he said softly. Staring at your face so up close he loved admiring how beautiful you were. He swore he could've stared at you forever and never find a single flaw on your face.

"Stop staring babe you're making me nervous," you said while pouting a bit.

"I'm just admiring how gorgeous you are princess."

After he said that you swore there were actual butterflies in your stomach while your heart fluttered.

Staying quiet for bit Atsumu noticed how you were getting shy with him after he said that.

You both were still staring into each others eyes as your foreheads touched each other.

Atsumu leaned in as you closed your eyes preparing for what as happening next.

He softly kissed your lips for a couple seconds before moving his face away. His lips were so soft you thought.

He moved to the right side of you tucking your hair behind your ear.

"Thank you for cheering me on today baby, even if you did get weird stares from the crowds," Atsumu said chuckling quietly into your ear.

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hi loves!
i wanted to let everyone know i got the
inspo for this from @luvbub on tumblr
from her "atsumu being a softie" post
i know this story is a bit like oikawa's but i
wanted to do something relate to how
atsumu like the crowd quiet while serving
but he loves you so much he will want you
to be loud during his serves yk?

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