i w a i z u m i ⋆ h a j i m e ♡

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{Feed it to me.}

~ I W A I Z U M I H A J I M E ~


This morning had been going by extremely slow. Your first two classes felt like hours upon hours when in reality it had just been an hour and a half.

Iwaizumi had a long morning as well as his classes felt like forever. The two of you were also tired as Iwaizumi wanted to stay up last night on a call with you.

The both of you were just not having a good morning. The time felt slowed and the air was uncomfortable and humid.

All Iwaizumi wanted to do right now was be with you, whether it be you in his arms or him in your arms. Lunch break was nearing meaning he could get the chance to see you and that's just what he needed.

Pulling out his phone he decided to text you asking you to meet him in Hall A where no one usually was for lunch.

Iwaizumi was still sitting in class blocking out the teachers lecture as he was just staring at the clock watching the hands move.

You on the other hand had just felt your phone vibrate trying to pull it out without the teacher noticing. Looking up to check what she was doing you saw her back facing you and decided that was the right time to check.

You saw the text from Iwaizumi and texted him back yes before quickly putting your phone away.

A few minutes had passed by now and the bell had just rung. Both of you had packed up your stuff heading towards Hall A.

Iwaizumi was in the middle of walking when he got stopped by the volleyball team asking to eat lunch together. He declined telling them he was already busy with lunch plans.

The team nodded and started heading to the lunch room while Iwaizumi kept walking towards Hall A.

Looking you noticed that you had gotten there first and looked for a comfy place in the hall. You decided to go near the end of the hall where a few classrooms were.

Sitting down you looked up once more to see Iwaizumi walking towards you and waved at him. He smiled at you and started heading towards you.

"Hi Haji," you said to him.

He placed his bag down before sitting next to you.

"Hey," he answered back.

You noticed the air around him was a bit gloomy and the tired expression on his face.

"What's wrong?" You asked while turning your head to the left to face him.

He sighed "long morning, how about you?"

"Yeah me too."

You both sat in comfortable for a bit while you both pulled your lunches out and placed them in your laps.

Iwaizumi let out a big sigh indicating that he wanted to just cuddle you right now, even if you are in school.

"Hm what's wrong babe?" You asked curiously, even already knowing the answer.

You saw him form a goofy pout on his face before turning his head to face you. You laughed softly knowing exactly what he wanted.

You wanted nothing more than to cuddle up to him and enjoy your lunch together. But you being you, you decided you wanted to hear him say it with his own words.

"C'mon, what is it?" You said.

Iwaizumi rolled his eyes knowing exactly what you were doing as well. He was getting a little impatient just wanting to enjoy his lunch and time with you right now.

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