27- One Step Too Late

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Hu Po and Ah Bai looked at each other. Hu Po originally had his own misigivings about Lin Xuanzhi, if it wasn’t because Lin Xuanzhi was so unreliable, he wouldn’t have been sold off by Yan Tianhen. At first, Hu Po wanted to throw a tantrum by jumping off the carriage and showing Lin Xuanzhi his butt, but, he didn’t expect Lin Xuanzhi to throw a demonic delight fruit at him!

Hu Po pounced forward with an ao and ate the demonic delight fruit in one bite.

Afterwards, Hu Po looked like he had just climaxed and happily jumped onto the coachman position, then properly squatted down and howled at the horse that was so frightened its legs had turned into jelly.

Ah Bai couldn’t look straight at Hu Po as he wiped his brother’s face.

Useless brother, to actually have been bribed by just one demonic delight fruit, you’re so vexing!

But Ah Bai had completely overlooked how he himself had been bribed before by just one demonic delight fruit!

The carriage slowly made its way through the streets towards the Lin residence.

Lin Xuanzhi and Yan Tianhen sat in the carriage, and neither of them spoke for awhile.

Yan Tianhen appeared to be immersed in agony over his Daddy’s death and couldn’t free himself from it, so much so that Lin Xuanzhi could clearly see the regret and self-reproach on his face.

Lin Xuanzhi gave him a moment to settle his emotions before opening his mouth to speak, “Ah Hen, do you still remember what happened that day?”

Yan Tianhen shook his head, bit his lower lip and said, “I can’t remember very well, I only remember that Daddy was killed by cultivators while he was trying to protect me, yet I can’t recall what time we had left the house, why we left the house, where we had met our pursuers, or how our pursuers looked like……but Daddy had blocked a blow for me and sent me back to the Lin family with a formation he had set up.”

Lin Xuanzhi furrowed his brows as he thought, Ah Hen’s memory regarding that event is so blurry, but all his other memories appear to be okay. That patch of his memory was obviously sealed off by an expert.

But— Yan Tianhen was sent back by his Dad’s formation, the cultivators who were pursuing them couldn’t have had the chance to tamper with his memory. Then that would mean that Yan Tianhen’s memory was probably erased by someone after he returned.

When he thought of this, Lin Xuanzhi narrowed his eyes; his fair, jade fingers lightly tapped on the mat a few times.

“It’s okay even if you don’t remember.” Lin Xuanzhi lightly patted Yan Tianhen’s hand, then said, “Those cultivators probably had their reasons for attacking you and Dad, since there was a first time, then there will be a second time. We will eventually find out who they are someday, and it wouldn’t be too late to take our revenge then.

Yan Tianhen abruptly looked up and stared at Lin Xuanzhi, then asked in disbelief, "Dage doesn't blame or hate me anymore?"

Lin Xuanzhi shook his head and said, "I've said this before, you're my only family left. I treat you like how I would my own younger brother, and you treat me like your biological elder brother. What happened to Daddy was purely an accident, it's not your fault, so Ah Hen can't think that you are to blame for it from now on, okay?"

Yan Tianhen pursed his lips, then dived headlong into Lin Xuanzhi’s arms and started wailing in anguish.

No one knew how scared, how helpless and how guilty he felt after Lin Zhan died. He had always blamed himself for Lin Zhan’s death, if it wasn’t because someone as useless as him was holding Lin Zhan back, Lin Zhan could have definitely escaped by himself without harm.

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