194- Kind and Easy to Cheat

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Ch194 – Kind and Easy to Cheat

Ji Xiaoyou nodded. “She’s one of the aunts in my family. I heard that she married over to the Lin family many years ago.”

“Yeah. I didn’t expect that we’d actually be family.” Yan Tianhen said happily.

Ji Xiaoyou smiled and didn’t respond. Some bitterness that was difficult to perceive was mixed in with that smile of his.

Although he was part of the Ji family, and he had been born to the direct line of the Ji family as well, he could be considered to be detested by both humans and dogs alike in the Ji family. He only managed to register and participate in the competition today because his mother spent a lot of effort in fighting for a placing for him.

But Ji Lanjun is different. Even within the Ji family, Ji Lanjun’s alchemy standard was among the top, and she has always been respected by others.

Yan Tianhen felt like Ji Xiaoyou was looking more and more pleasant to the eye, so he took another yellow duckling from his storage bag and handed it to Ji Xiaoyou. “Since you have such good taste and pretty looks, I’ll give this to you as a meeting gift ba.”

Ji Xiaoyou was a little flustered and shook his hands forcibly. “No no, I can’t take it.”

Yan Tianhen frowned. “Why can’t you take it? Don’t tell me you don’t think this duckling is good enough? I’m telling you now, don’t just look at how this duck appears to be of a low quality, it’s actually very useful.”

When Ji Xiaoyou heard this, he was afraid that Yan Tianhen would misunderstand and quickly explained, “It’s not that I don’t think the duckling’s good enough, but my mother told me before that I can’t ask for other people’s things. Otherwise, I’ll be treated as a beggar.”

“How could she say that?” Yan Tianhen frowned and felt like Ji Xiaoyou’s mother was being too cautious.

When his Daddy was still around and took him to visit relatives, those uncles would give him some so-called meeting gifts as well and Lin Zhan would always smile as he asked him to accept it. Why would beggars be mixed into it?

Ji Xiaoyou looked down and said, “Upright people don’t eat the food handed out to him by others.”

Yan Tianhen pondered for a bit and nodded. “Your mother’s right, but this is just something I’m giving you of my own accord, so it can’t be considered as you asking for it. Also, I think that since you have such good taste, I should be able to become friends with you.”

The two words “become friends” touched Ji Xiaoyou. His whole body trembled as he stared at Yan Tianhen in disbelief. He was just about to speak when someone mercilessly interrupted.

“You actually want to become friends with someone like him? Are you blind?” A sturdy young man beside Ji Xiaoyou spoke jeeringly, “Do you know that Ji Xiaoyou’s a bastard? His mother gave birth to him after committing adultery; everyone in Wind Reflection City knows that he’s the disgrace of the Ji family!”

Ji Xiaoyou’s face turned ghastly pale in an instant.

The fatso’s voice was particularly loud, so it was easy for everyone on the competition platform to hear his words clearly.

Everyone’s gazes shifted to Ji Xiaoyou.

Ji Xiaoyou bit down harshly on his lower lip. He returned to his seat and looked down without saying a single word.

The fatso was delighted for being able to get his way. “Ji Xiaoyou, if I were you, I’d just hide deep in a forest in the mountains, find a rope, and strangle myself to death, lest I dirty other people’s eyes!”

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