99- Punishing the Evildoers

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Ch99 – Punishing the Evildoers

Lin Yangzhi wanted to stand up but he realised that the Qi within his Dantian Qi sea was on a rampage, as if it had received a great impact. His heart shook and he didn’t dare to casually shift even half a step.

“Xuanzhi!” Lin Zhantian’s eyes lit up.

“Lin Xuanzhi?”

“What’s he holding in his hand?”

“Dage!” The moment Yan Tianhen saw Lin Xuanzhi’s back, his nose immediately soured as he shouted, “That bad guy! He almost strangled Ah Bai to death! Hu Po’s injured too!!”

Lin Xuanzhi looked at the people in front of him expressionlessly, “Just now, who had a hand in the fight?”

The Lin family pupils who had clustered around Lin Yaer and Lin Yangzhi immediately took a few steps back, and those who wanted to help Lin Yangzhi up didn’t dare to even take a single step forward.

Everyone talks about how good Lin Xuanzhi looks and how his appearance was akin to that of a deity, but no one has talked about how this immortal Lin Xuanzhi could have a kind of domineering presence that would make people want to go down on their knees!

“It, it has nothing to do with me!”

“Neither does it have anything to do with me.”

“I’m…only a passerby, hehe.”

“I didn’t even say a single word~”

Lin Xuanzhi looked at how they were all trying to dissociate themselves from the fight one by one and didn’t try to make things difficult for them. He merely stated coldly, “Irrelevant people should all leave immediately.”

Lin Yaer looked at all those wimpy Lin family pupils and immediately jumped up in anger. She pointed at them, “Are you guys still men?!”

One of her cousins from a side branch smiled helplessly, then said apologetically, “Of course we’re men, but if we provoke someone we aren’t supposed to then I’m afraid we won’t be men anymore.”

“Yeah Yaer Jie, a wise man submits to fate.” Another pupil rubbed his nose and smiled sheepishly before he snuck a glance at Lin Xuanzhi. He said in a soft voice, “He has an amazing magic treasure in his hands that could even blow Yangzhi Ge away. I’m far below Yangzhi Ge’s standard, so it’s impossible for me to be his opponent. So…I’ll go pick up my medicinal pills now, okay~”

After he finished saying that, the Lin family pupils quickly slipped away one after the other.

A Lin family pupil adorned in a yellow robe was about to sneak away when Yan Tianhen’s sharp eyes caught his escape and pointed at him, “Dage, he kicked Hu Po before.”

“Ok.” Lin Xuanzhi said lightly, then fanned that Lin family pupil in his face and blew him away.

That Lin family pupil crashed into a flower bed and immediately lost consciousness. He laid sprawled on the ground and half of his swollen face could be seen.

The remaining Lin family pupils were all incredibly shocked. All of them looked at the folding fan in Lin Xuanzhi’s hands, then quickened their pace as they hurriedly fled.

This Lin Xuanzhi…was getting more and more scary.

Fear arose in Lin Yaer’s heart as well. She stared so hard at the white jade fan that her gaze could burn a hole right through it, but she still couldn’t discern what its grade was.

“Just now, you strangled Ah Bai?” Lin Xuanzhi asked expressionlessly.

Additionally, that wasn’t even the end!

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