156- Making Things Difficult on Purpose

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Ch156 – Making Things Difficult on Purpose

Lin Xuanzhi cast a cold glance at him. “Looks like the Bai family’s news are quite outdated. I am no longer part of Profound Sky Sect, and neither am I a ‘Xianshi’. Boss Bai can change the way you address me now.”

Boss Bai feigned surprise and raised his voice, “How could that be? How could Profound Sky Sect easily let go of a swordsman genius like you?” Even the slow-witted Yan Tianhen could tell that there was something wrong when he heard Boss Bai’s clear words.

Yan Tianhen frowned and said, “My Dage’s matters had spread all over various sects a long time ago. Why is this Boss Bai repeatedly bringing it up so intentionally right now?”

Ji Yunwei’s expression darkened. “Continue observing the situation.”

Boss Bai obviously wanted to shame Lin Xuanzhi in public, but Ji Yunwei couldn’t tell who was the one asking him to do so behind the scenes一一 was it the Bai family? Or the Baili family? Or other sects and families?

Also, what kind of benefit could they gain from offending Lin Xuanzhi?

Ji Yunwei was quite interested in spectating the show too. If the Bai family’s face wasn’t thoroughly torn apart by Lin Xuanzhi today, then he wouldn’t be the Lin Xuanzhi that Ji Yunwei knew.

Ji Yunwei secretly made a gesture, and a few of his men hiding amidst the crowd dispersed while he searched for traces in the dark as well.

Discussions had already begun in the crowd.

On the platform, Lin Xuanzhi said, “Looks like Boss Bai is extremely interested in my experiences. We can talk about such matters in private. After all, it doesn’t have much to do with the Treasure Appraisal Convention today.”

Boss Bai’s expression didn’t change and continued with his thick skin, “Why do I feel like Lin Xianzhi doesn’t have any Qi at all within your Dantian Qi sea?”

Baili Yunshan used his Qi to probe and cried in surprise, “There really is no Qi within your Dantian Qi sea! How could it be??”

One must know, a lot of craftsmen in this world were elemental cultivators as well. They had both soul force and Qi bestowed upon them by the heavens, so they could craft and fight, so you could say that they were the darlings of heaven.

Baili Yunsong couldn’t bear to watch any longer. He wanted to get up on stage himself to pull his younger brother down, but Baili Yunshan continued, “But Lin Dage, the soul force in your body is really strong. You must be a really amazing craftsman.”

Lin Xuanzhi looked at Baili Yunshan, who was blinking at him wittily and sensed his good intentions, so he nodded at him and smiled, “That’s right. So the top person in the world for the past and future 500 years that the sect master of Profound Sky Sect talked about was not of someone taking the elemental path, but the craftsman path instead.”

Baili Yunshan’s eyes were bright as he said, “That’s very likely. At the very least, your soul force is much stronger than mine. Even if our soulfire stages are the same, I won’t be able to match you.”

Lin Xuanzhi said, “You’re still young, your feats are already very amazing.”

Their words that didn’t seem to mind being overheard by others travelled into the ears of everyone above and below the platform. The surrounding crowd couldn’t help but laugh.

“That Lin Xuanzhi shouldn’t be a fool ba? How could he dare say such a thing in front of the Bai family?”

“Top person in both the past and future 500 years? That guy probably went mad after his Dantian was destroyed.”

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