120- Accompaniment of the Firestone

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Ch120 - Accompaniment of the Firestone

In the busy streets, a lot of people were already looking over because of Lin Xuanzhi's appearance

It must be said that no matter where Lin Xuanzhi appeared, he would easily become the centre of attention because of his face. But aside from that, his past achievements could also easily make him the topic of discussion.

He had become famous at such a young age, having been known as the youngest Foundation Stage cultivator. Yet, at the peak of his prime, he turned into a good-for-nothing and was expelled from his sect.

His father passed away, his family abandoned him and allowed others to humiliate him and trample on me, and he still had to drag around a limp and ugly oil bottle.

However, he was now considered a matchless, precious treasure again because he had turned into craftsman.

Moreover, the results of the Lin family's test that day was no longer a secret, and it had spread throughout the entire Qing city.

Everyone knew that the Lin family not only had another craftsman, but also someone who was now the inner disciple of Sky Peak Sect too!

Although being an inner disciple would elicit much admiration and jealousy, that kind of topic couldn't match up at all to legend who had gone through various ups and downs in his life.

Lin Xuanzhi not only became a craftsman, but he had also returned to the seventh layer of his Refining Qi stage again!

And it hadn't even been two years since he turned into a good-for-nothing!

What a terrifying rate of cultivation!

Only then did Boss Feng realise this problem. He couldn't help but smack his head with self-reproach and laughed, "I'm the one who was too impatient. Craftsman Lin, you must let me be the host today. Try the new dishes at our Retaining Immortals restaurant, let's discuss as we eat."

This coincided with Lin Xuanzhi's expectations, thus, the whole group began walking towards Retaining Immortals restaurant.

After they had their fill, they left Retaining Immortals restaurant and bid farewell to Boss Feng, who was grinning from ear to ear. Yan Tianhen patted his round stomach and said to Lin Xuanzhi, "Dage, this Heaven and Earth winery sells wine in the first place, so why did Boss Feng buy so many wine cups? He couldn't possibly give a wine cup for every jar of wine he sells ba? The gains definitely wouldn't make up for his losses."

You must know, while they were discussing their business, each one of Lin Xuanzhi's wine cup could be sold for 1000 gold! And one jar of wine from the Heaven and Earth winery cost mostly around a few dozen gold.

Lin Xuanzhi smiled, "Ah Hen doesn't know, this but Heaven and Earth winery isn't just a winery. If they only sold wine, then Boss Feng's business wouldn't be able to expand this much."

When Duan Yuyang, who sponged off their meal and drink, heard this, his interest was piqued, "Aside from selling wine, don't tell me Heaven and Earth winery does other types of business as well?"

Lin Xuanzhi said meaningfully, "We just walked out of the Feng family's industry."

Duan Yuyang was stunned and said in disbelief, "Retaining Immortals restaurant is part of the Feng family's industry? You're not kidding me, are you?"

"You'll be able to tell whether it is or not after some time passes. By then, those wine cups would appear on the tables of Retaining Immortal restaurant."

Duan Yuyang paused and stroked his chin, "If that really is the case, then the Feng family's industry spreads itself out quite a bit. In the past, I only knew that Retaining Immortals restaurant didn't have an ordinary backer, but I never expected it to be the Feng family. Looks like the Feng family's reputation as the top family in the Five Continents is well-deserved."

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