154- Bai Family's Competition

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Ch154 - Bai Family's Competition

Ji Yunwei rubbed the wine cup and couldn't bear to let it go. He licked his lips. "I can't wait to have a taste now."

Yan Tianhen licked his lips as well and shook Lin Xuanzhi's hand. "Dage, hurry and take it out ma."

Lin Xuanzhi smiled and took out a bottle of wine, then poured a cup each for the three of them.

Ji Yunwei and Yan Tianhen downed their cups without waiting; only Lin Xuanzhi leisurely took a sip.

Ji Yunwei and Yan Tianhen let out a satisfied sigh at the same time.

"Such a good brew ah."

"It's so delicious!"

Yan Tianhen and Ji Yunwei looked at each other, then laughed together.

Ji Yunwei said."I didn't expect that the younger one to be a drinker instead of the older one.."

Yan Tianhen licked his lips and reminisced the taste, "I didn't think wine tasted that good in the past, until I used this cup."

Ji Yunwei nodded and sighed, "That's why I say, craftsmen are the most miraculous people in this world. They can bring to us countless unexpected surprises with their skillful hands."

Yan Tianhen stared at Lin Xuanzhi without even blinking, "Dage, what do you think?"

Lin Xuanzhi, "..."

Must he praise himself? That is still a little embarrassing for him to do.

Lin Xuanzhi swept a glance over Yan Tianhen, who was grinning at him, and couldn't help but laugh, "Still okay, I guess."

"This is just 'still okay'?" Ji Yunwei raised an eyebrow involuntarily, "Brother Xuanzhi, it's not right of you to say that. Don't tell me you think that this sort of crafting skill is just 'okay'? Don't tell me that I've been really out of touch with the world? I think that the forging level of this cup can be considered to be unrivalled in this world."

Lin Xuanzhi put his fist to his lips and chuckled, "What else can I say? Must you force me to boast of being quite good and unrivalled in the world?"

When he said that, Ji Yunwei instantly felt like he had been struck by lightning.

He was in a trance for a moment, his eyes widened so much that they almost popped out of their sockets. He said in utter, pleasant surprise, "And I was wondering too - so this was your masterpiece! Aren't you concealing too much of your talent?!"

Lin Xuanzhi raised his glass and said, "I'm not concealing it, it really is too difficult to talk about."

Ji Yunwei frowned, not comprehending as he asked, "How could that be difficult to talk about? Your standard is already comparable to that of a crafter from the Bai family."

Lin Xuanzhi said, "Experts who really succeed and become famous definitely wouldn't mass produce their magic treasures, and whatever they craft are rare and exquisite products. But my kind of..."

"What's wrong with your kind?" Ji Yunwei asked.

"My Dage's kind of magic treasures are crafted to earn money, and they are all mass produced too, which is contrary to the style of craftsmen." It was as if Yan Tianhen had mind-reading skills as he exposed what Lin Xuanzhi was thinking.

Ji Yunwei was stunned, then stared at Lin Xuanzhi with a baffled gaze.

A moment later, Ji Yunwei couldn't hold back anymore and said, "Are you sure that the mass production you speak of isn't just a roundabout way of showing off to me?"

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