123- Getting Bullied

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Ch123 - Getting Bullied

"Han Yanran, what happens between me and Han Yuran isn't something you can inquire about or stick your nose into. I will only say this once, so listen up carefully." Lin Xuanzhi narrowed his eyes and gazed coldly at Han Yanran, "Yan Tianhen is on my side. If I hear you say another word to insult him, then I'll also let you have a taste of this."

Han Yanran was so terrified by the pressure emanating from Lin Xuanzhi's tremendous soul force that she could hardly breathe.

She involuntarily took a step back with a ghastly pale face. Her heart rate had accelerated and she couldn't say anything in return.

Yan Tianhen pursed his lips and tugged on Lin Xuanzhi's hand, "Dage, don't bother talking to her so much, it's just a waste of time."

"Okay." Lin Xuanzhi's expression relaxed. He held Yan Tianhen's hand and pulled him away.

Han Yanran took a long time to settle down after Lin Xuanzhi left.

She looked at Lin Xuanzhi's receding figure with a complex expression on her face and thought, Lin Xuanzhi really isn't the old Lin Xuanzhi anymore.

Judging from his audacity to fight for the Flaming Cloud Stone with Elder Han today, and the pressure he exerted with his level, the momentum of Lin Xuanzhi's rise in the future would likely be even stronger than ever before.

She didn't know if her Dage getting rid of Lin Xuanzhi - a craftsman who now emitted an air of a powerhouse - to be with that Yuan Tianwen was the right choice or not.

"Dage, that Han Yuran really is something. He cheated and hurt Dage like that in the past by pretending to be concerned about Dage while having improper relations with someone else, yet now he even wants to be friends with Dage? Aren't his dreams a little too sweet?"

As they walked, Yan Tianhen pulled a long face as he lamented the injustice.

Yet Lin Xuanzhi said without seeming to mind much, "No matter how he thinks or what he does is his business. As for me, I would never be on close terms with him no matter what."

Yan Tianhen silently breathed a sigh of relief.

Frankly speaking, Lin Xuanzhi has always been someone who cherishes old friendships.

Yan Tianhen has always worried about how Lin Xuanzhi's feelings for Han Yuran might reignite, but after what Lin Xuanzhi said today, it proved that he felt no remorse or pity for Han Yuran right now.

Yan Tianhen changed the topic and said with some worry, "We haven't seen Ah Bai and Hu Po in a few days, I wonder how those two cubs are doing."

Lin Xuanzhi looked at the sky and said, "If Ah Hen feels uneasy, we can go pay them a visit now."

Yan Tianhen's eyes lit up and he forcefully nodded, "That's what I was thinking too. After all, we'll be entering seclusion tomorrow."

And thus, the two of them made their way to the Demonic Beast Institute.

In the Demonic Beast Institute.

With a muffled thud, Hu Po knocked harshly into a tree.

Ah Bai let out a howl and rushed towards the wolf demon that had hit Hu Po so violently. But before his front paws could scratch the wolf demon's face, he was knocked away by a piece of rock that broke off from the wolf demon's loud roar.

Ah Bai landed smack on Hu Po.

The wolf demon swept its glance over them with disdain, "Both of you are trash. Come challenge Grandpa Wolf again when you've reached the fifth star of your infant stages ba, this is just a pure waste of my time."

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