130- Swallow Yin Gu Bugs

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Ch130 – Swallow Yin Gu Bugs

Yan Tianhen rubbed under his nose, “I heard from Yanyan that he also slandered you”

Lin Xuanzhi didn’t really mind, “He’ll have grown up some when he no longer tries to blacken my character.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Yan Tianhen was speechless.

It does seem that although Lin Zezhi is older than Lin Xuanzhi by many years, thinking over the things that he’s done, he is much less mature and stable than Lin Xuanzhi.

Sure enough, it’s better to be satisfied with what you have; if you compare yourself to others, you might just be angered to death.

Although Lin Zezhi has already built his foundation, just this could not cause Lin Xuanzhi to have any fluctuations in his heart. After all, he had never considered Lin Zezhi to be his competitor, nor did he want to let Lin family fall apart.

So long as Lin Zezhi’s most basic concepts of right and wrong were still there, Lin Xuanzhi would actually prefer him to be as strong as possible. He is, after all, still a part of the Lin family.

As for the Bai madam and the Third elder, the past life’s grievances they had forced onto Yan Tianhen were not forgotten by Lin Xuanzhi, he was merely biding his time and waiting for the most opportune moment.

Lin Xuanzhi shoved a few thunder balls into Yan Tianhen’s hands, saying, “Keep these around to protect yourself.”

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Yan Tianhen smiled brightly as he collected them, “With Dage here, I don’t need to worry about anything.”

Lin Xuanzhi nodded his head and faintly smiled, “Ah Hen really is getting better and better at sweet talking”

Yan Tianhen’s face turned a bit red, blinking coquettishly, “Everything I said came truthfully from the heart, I wasn’t purposefully trying to give you false praise”.

Lin Xuanzhi could only feel that, from his heart to the end of his veins, everything became overly sweet, like he had been submerged in a bath of sugar water.

But even though it was like this, Lin Xuanzhi never relaxed about supervising Yan Tianhen’s cultivation.

“How have your alchemy studies been going recently?” he asked.

With this new topic, Yan Tianhen’s face immediately collapsed.

“I don’t know why, the chant is correct, the control of the flames is also correct, there’s nothing wrong with the hand signals, and yet, I just can’t refine a pill, even the medicinal liquid is unable to be refined successfully.” Yan Tianhen pouted, a little discouraged, “Dage, maybe it’s because I’m not suitable to be learning alchemy in the first place!”

Lin Xuanzhi furrowed his brows slightly, he also felt something was wrong; previously, he had personally seen Yan Tianhen’s refining process, there were no mistakes, yet Yan Tianhen seemed to be personally blocked by the heavens. No matter what he tries, he couldn’t succeed even once.

Lin Xuanzhi secretly thought: could it really be the heavens interfering?

If that were the case, to let Yan Tianhen successfully refine would require a miracle.

Lin Xuanzhi pondered over the problem and responded to Yan Tianhen, “If the situation is like this, then set aside refining pills for now, how is the corpse’s situation at the moment?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

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