134- Ah Hen's Eating Vinegar

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Ch134 - Ah Hen's Eating Vinegar

"Dage!" When Yan Tianhen saw Lin Xuanzhi, he immediately stood up.

Lin Xuanzhi's gaze swept over Ling Chigu, who was obviously battle-ready, and closed the door, "Have you finished packing?"

"Un un, I'm done packing." Yan Tianhen nodded before frowning, "Dage, what should I bring along for Ah Gu?"

"I only prepared some magic treasures for him that can suppress his corpse Qi, but I haven't chosen what weapon or clothes I should take for him. Why don't Dage give me some advice?"

Lin Xuanzhi just felt a little stifled. Ever since Yan Tianhen carried Ling Chigu back from Mass Graves Ridge, he has always felt very protective of Ling Chigu like how a mother would care for her children, as if that corpse was his biological younger brother or son. He considered everything for the corpse thoroughly from head to toe and treated him even more meticulously than his own Dage, Lin Xuanzhi.

Lin Xuanzhi cast a glance at Ling Chigu and couldn't hold himself back anymore. He said with slight jealousy, "Ah Hen, you seem to think more about this corpse than Dage."

Yan Tianhen was stunned, and feigned innocence as he blinked. He lunged into Lin Xuanzhi's embrace and said, "Of course not. The two of you can't be compared. Ah Gu is my partner in battle. Since I pulled him out, I'm responsible for him, but Dage is the person closest to me. So I think about the two of you in different ways."

"What's the difference?" Lin Xuanzhi asked.

"Dage is my most important person." Yan Tianhen said without hesitation, "Ah Gu is my good friend."

Lin Xuanzhi was greatly satisfied and patted Yan Tianhen's head, "Your words have always been sweeter than candy."

Yan Tianhen chuckled and scratched his head, "Daddy used to say that too."

Lin Xuanzhi's line of sight fell upon the motionless Ling Chigu, and after a moment, he said, "Ah Hen, although my clothes can cover his body, it has no other additional effects. I have already refined a set of clothes suitable for Chigu, you can treat it as my first meeting gift for him ba."

Yan Tianhen's eyes lit up at once, "Really? Dage you're too great!"

Lin Xuanzhi smiled and took the clothes out of his storage bag and threw it to Ling Chigu.

Ling Chigu raised his hand and caught the clothes.

Yan Tianhen said excitedly, "Ah Gu, go and try them on."

Ling Chigu didn't say anything and took his clothes off straight away. Although his movements weren't very smooth, he didn't have much of a problem, so his movements would likely become smoother after some time passes.

Lin Xuanzhi was struck by a sudden impulse to hold his forehead. Yan Tianhen also realised that it seemed a bit wrong, so he quickly continued his orders, "Ah Gu, change behind the screen."

Although Ling Chigu was somewhat confused, he still took the clothes and went behind the screen.

Yan Tianhen stuck his tongue out and said, "Ah Gu is that simple and naive. Do pardon him, Dage."

Lin Xuanzhi cast a glance at the screen, "Have you heard any news regarding Duan Yuyang recently?"

Yan Tianhen paused, then shook his head, "I haven't heard from Yuyang Gege in a long time. I didn't see him when we went to the auction house last time either. Yuyang Ge should have also entered seclusion ba?"

Lin Xuanzhi frowned slightly. With Duan Yuyang's character, it wasn't very likely for him to have entered seclusion. After all, for Duan Yuyang, cultivating couldn't match up to having fun outside. He would be more interested in going to the casino to shake dice or tease a few beauties.

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