175- Destined But Not Fated

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Ch175 – Destined But Not Fated

Duan Yuyang was so dumbfounded that he didn’t even register the anxious string of words Yuan Tianwen uttered by his ear afterwards.

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“Wait, wait!” Duan Yuyang frowned and asked with an expression of utter confusion, “The reason you’re together with Han Yuran and treat him like your dearest darling…Is because you mistook him for me?”

Yuan Tianwen nodded with a belly full of grievances, “Yes. Otherwise, how could I even spare him another glance?”

Duan Yuyang was speechless for a long time. He thought that this was simply so ridiculous and comical that it overturned even his wildest imagination!

“Release me first.” Duan Yuyang spoke.

Yuan Tianwen whispered, “No.”

Duan Yuyang’s expression darkened, “Let go.”

“No.” Yuan Tianwen refused. “Once I let go, you’ll run away.”

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“Where the fuck will I run to?” Duan Yuyang was enraged, “This is my room, even if someone runs, that person should still be you okay? Get lost for Laozi!”

Yuan Tianwen, “…”

Ah, he’s swearing again. Looks like he’s really furious.

So Yuan Tianwen reluctantly released Duan Yuyang.

Duan Yuyang could finally breathe again. He calmed his emotions and breathed in the fresh air for a while before sitting down in a chair. He glanced at Yuan Tianwen, who stood in front of him as if awaiting a trial, and suddenly felt that this entire affair was a joke that the heavens had played on him.

No matter what methods Han Yuran used to mislead Yuan Tianwen into believing that he was the person on Flying Luan Peak…That everything was able to develop to this stage today, for Duan Yuyang, in fact, the source of everything was not actually the events on Flying Luan Peak.

“Yuyang…” Yuan Tianwen opened his mouth.

“Don’t speak yet.” Duan Yuyang raised his hand, and Yuan Tianwen immediately shut his mouth.

Duan Yuyang looked at Yuan Tianwen, who looked cute and obedient, and furrowed his brows tightly, “Did you mean that, from beginning to end, you recognized the wrong person?”

Yuan Tianwen nodded and wanted to explain something but was stopped again by Duan Yuyang’s raised hand.

“You’re looking for me now to admit your mistake and treat me like how you treated Han Yuran, right?” Duan Yuyang tilted his head.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“P vb lcafcv ab jvwla ws wlrajxf.” Tejc Kljckfc tfrlajafv, atfc rqbxf, “Dea P klii cba agfja sbe ilxf tbk P agfjafv tlw.”


“Because I can only give him the superficial treasures, resources, and status that he wants, but I cannot give him my heart.” Yuan Tianwen did not lie. Even when he believed Han Yuran to be his savior, he could still only continuously tell himself ‘you should be good to him, should give up everything for him, and anything he does is always right.’

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