Chapter 8

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Katrina never wanted to be so wrong in her entire life. But it strengthened her resolve to go from wallflower to spinster.

She found an old pair of spectacles and placed them on her nose. She placed her hair in a tight bun, and found the ugliest dress in her possession. Tonight they would go to Vauxhall for a concert. Her armor was in place - ready for battle.

Katrina's mother decided to take a night off, and left her in the care of Reggie. Perhaps any other daughter would have been cautioned against this since Reggie's reputation was not too stellar, but Katrina knew that ruination would not be an issue.

Reggie wandered off after about 30 minutes with Major St. John and a pretty lady that was likely the merry widow, and left Katrina with a few other girls and their mothers. Despite the concert, she grew bored with the young girls and their gossip. So she decided to take a walk.

Most of the paths were well lit with couples walking arm in arm. They would smile and nod at the spinster as she walked by. She knew they likely pitied her and her circumstances.

And then she saw them - the Duke of Harrington, Lady Eleanor and Sebastian. Luckily Eleanor's mother trailed behind with a few other matriarchs.

"Lady Katrina! You look lovely tonight!" A clearly drunk Sebastian slurred her way. "I've missed those spectacles. They remind me of my governess. She was a tasty morsel," he whispered. "Join us! We are looking for Reggie right now anyway. I hear he is getting himself in trouble with a widow. Lucky chap!" She saw Eleanor roll her eyes and laugh at Sebastian. Eleanor must be a more patient woman than herself.

"Um, I think it is best I head back...."

"Nonsense, milady!" Sebastian was nothing if not persistent when drunk.

"Ok, my lord. Just for a short time. But you must be on your best behavior." Lord help her being with this group. She could only hope Reggie was close by, but she knew that was very unlikely. He never showed up at the right time.

"Lead the way, Seb. You are our guide." Eleanor tittered in quite a familiar way. Katrina was a little shocked by the use of his nickname, but had heard they grew up near one another - so perhaps it was just habit.

Sebastian grabbed Katrina's arm and looped it with his own. His other hand came around and patted her arm. He then began to whisper flirtatious drivel while trying to touch her chest.

"Sebastian!" The duke barked making both of them turn and stare. "Behave yourself."

The dukes anger rolled off him in waves. Katrina couldn't help but think his rebuke was also of her actions. That's really rich, the "king of propriety" scolding them. She tried to distance herself from her tormentor, but Sebastian just got closer.

"Fuuuu...Ha! I will do as I please, your grace!" He bowed with a flourish, and then grabbed Katrina's shoulders and kissed her surprised mouth. She couldn't believe this was happening to her. In front of so many people!

"My lord! This is highly inappropriate!" Lady Eleanor's mother yelled as Katrina landed a slap on Sebastian's face.

Embarrassment rushed through her. Her first kiss was wasted on that drunk! She pulled herself away and ran off to try to find her brother. Tears fell down from her eyes as she thought of what she had hoped a first kiss would be...pleasure, passion, love. Not the scent of cheap bourbon and vomit.

After a few minutes of searching, she stopped and stared off to the sky. Perhaps a wish would get her to where she needed to go. Gah! What if Reggie heard of that kiss and forced her to marry that lush?!

"Looking for the North Star to find your way home, Katrina?" Not now! Not here! Not after that display!

"Don't bother me, your grace!" How did he find her? Did he follow her this entire time?

"You have a bad habit of telling me what to do, Katrina."

"Just add it to the list of reasons I'm not a good match for a duke, your grace!" Her voice was loud and full of anger. Tears that had dried up not long ago were right at the surface ready to shed.

He grabbed her arm like he did the first night they met. He pulled her close so she was flat against his chest.

"These fucking spectacles must go." Plucking them off her face and breaking them in his hand. He threw them on the ground.

The duke began to stare at her face. It was a searching look. His thumb grazed her bottom, quivering lip.

"There you are, kitten. I'm very upset that Sebastian took your first kiss," he softly said like he was soothing a child. "I feel I must replace that kiss with a more pleasant one. Would you like that, my pet?"

"We shouldn't k-kiss, your gr..."

"And why is that, Katrina? Does someone else own your first kiss - besides that rogue, Sebastian? Does another man own you now?" He was vibrating with anger. She could feel it run through her body that still lay flush with his.

"Never, s-sir. But we know this...should...this is the past. I don't need or deserve your kiss. It is best saved for Lady Eleanor."

"Stop saying that word. Deserve? I decide that, not you. And as far as need is concerned, you have no idea what you or for that matter what I need, Katrina!"

He leaned closer to her lips. Looking over her face to try to determine if she wanted his kiss.

Katrina pushed up on her toes, grabbed his neck, and pressed her lips to his mouth. Pulling away just as quickly - seeing surprise in his eyes at the display.

"Not quite," he tutted and pulled her mouth to his. The kiss was full of passion, need, and control. It was pleasure and pain mixed together. "Open."

She opened her mouth and let his tongue coax her passion out. Katrina moaned her appreciation into the duke's questing mouth. Her hands wrapped around his neck. Her body pushed against his, wanting to be closer. Yet never close enough.

He sat her back on her heels and let her go. "That is what you need, Katrina. But it only scratches the surface."

Hidden Places, Book 1 of Autumn Club SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now