Chapter 11

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Gabriel woke Katrina as they approached the gates of the estate. It was almost like a castle. The stone structure reminded her of the Tower of London. Would this be her prison?

She stared out the window as they approached. The staff made its way out to greet their master and his new duchess. Most seemed older, looking like they came with the house.

The butler met the couple as they descended the coach. He seemed pleased to have the duke back in residence.

"Your grace, a pleasure to see you again. Welcome home."

"Wilfred, this is my new duchess. Katrina this is Wilfred. He runs the estate for the most part. If you need anything, let him know." She nodded in acknowledgement. "Wilfred, please show the duchess her rooms, and arrange dinner in about an hour."

"As you wish, your grace." Wilfred led the way to the door. Katrina noticed the duke stayed back to greet the staff. Oh well, she couldn't expect to be carried over the threshold by a man that married her out of necessity.

Wilfred showed Katrina to the duchess's suite. He moved around the room to inspect it, ensuring the maids did a decent job preparing it for her arrival.

"The late duchess never stayed at the estate, so it hasn't been used in years." Wilfred opined as he took in the room.

"Oh, the duke's mother stayed in London or is there another location she preferred?" She asked out of curiosity.

"Not the duke's mother, your grace. His wife. The duke's wife never had the opportunity to travel to England from India." Wife? He was married before?

"Oh, y-yes of course. That makes sense." Why didn't she know? Surely that would have been a part of the rumor mill. Sybil never mentioned a prior marriage. Her mother never said a thing! And what of Reggie?! Surely he knew!

"I'll leave you to unwind, and send a maid to assist you to ready for dinner."

"Thank you, Wilfred."

After he left the room, she flopped on the bed. Did he kill his wife? Was he truly evil like the gossip suggested? Her life just got a little more dark as she continued to try to understand the man she was forever tied to in marriage.

Dinner was held in the formal dinning hall. Katrina wanted so badly to address his prior marriage. She kept thinking of him being madly in love with another woman. Perhaps her death broke him so that he could never love again. Or perhaps he truly hated her and killed her in his torture room. Either way did not bode well for her. She could only imagine the worst.

"What do you think of your rooms, wife?" He asked after the first course.

"Very lovely, Gabriel. Thank you for asking."

"My mother loved decorating, and that room was her pride and joy. I'm glad your appreciate it. But you may not sleep there often."

Did that mean she would sleep with him? Or were they leaving the estate often?

"Why is that?"

"Because," he looked her in the eye, and palmed her cheek. "I plan to fuck you so hard every night. Between the exhaustion from pleasure and the pain from my cock driving in to you, you won't want to walk to your adjoining room."

Heat filled her belly as his eyes tore into her soul. His crass language and promises made her blush crimson.

"Do you understand, kitten?" His eyes seeking comprehension. "You won't run off after we fuck. You will allow me access to you all night long. But this won't be a chore for you, my dear. I trust you will begin to beg for my touch quite regularly."

He seemed smug. She reminded herself that this wasn't the first time Gabriel had a bride or any woman for that matter in his bed.

"I understand, sir." This was no time to argue something of which she knew nothing. She had full faith that he knew from experience how she would react.

"I plan to have an heir on the way by the end of the year. You must be ready to be bred at any time. Any where. Don't plan to say no or fake a headache. We are wed for a reason. And I plan to keep you with child quite a bit."

How many children did the duke want or need?! She wasn't a brood mare. An heir and spare was all he needed, right? She was too old for a gaggle of children.

"Um, how many babies are we talking about here, sir?" She asked as respectfully as she could.

"As many as I see fit, wife. I love the idea of you large with child. Rounded. Full of nutrients for our children. Suckling your tits when you aren't feeding our babes." He ran his hand over his bald head in thought. He looked as though this idea truly appealed to a primal nature he had.

"I-I see, sir." What good would arguing something that could change? Perhaps she couldn't even have children. Would he somehow leave her for a woman that could? She hated not knowing this man at all.

"Do you? You aren't shocked by that, Katrina? Does it not shock your maidenly sensibilities?" He said almost mockingly.

"Of-of course it does, sir. But I don't find myself in much of a position to protest your intentions at this point."

"Good girl," he mumbled into the napkin he used to wipe his mouth. "Now to bed."

So soon? She hadn't noticed their plates were empty and the sky was dark. She wasn't ready for this man. This unknown pain her mother surprised her with this morning.

She took a steadying breath and stood from the table. "After you, your grace."

Hidden Places, Book 1 of Autumn Club SeriesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora