Chapter 12

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Katrina didn't expect Gabriel to take her arm, but he laced their arms together making it clear she was not going to be following behind him to the bedroom. The bedroom she had not yet seen since their arrival only a few short hours ago.

The duke's room was in navy blues and gold. A large ornate bed took up most of one wall, and a seating area by the fire took up the space across the way.

The fire was lit to cut some of the damp air and light the room, but Katrina was so warm from her nerves that the fire was making her sweat. Gabriel led her by the hand to the middle of the room near a settee.

He turned her around so her back was facing him. Gabriel ran his finger down the row of buttons on her back giving her a chill.

"So many. We need to find a new modiste to design some frocks without so many. I would prefer easy access to your flesh," he murmured near her ear almost to himself.

She began to feel the plucking of buttons. "I can always have my maid undress me before coming to you in the evening, sir."

"Yes, sometimes you may. But I do like unwrapping my gifts," as he continued down her back. Then he sighed and tugged on both sides of her dress and covered buttons flew around the room to her shock.

"Sir! My dress!"

"It's rubbish now, kitten," he said as he slid the back wider so it began to sag at her shoulders. She began to feel exposed and bare to his hidden eyes. He stayed behind her and he continued to peel the clothing from her body. When he was done he said only one word, "turn."

Katrina covered he chest with one arm and her core with her other as she slowly turned toward the duke. He quirked a brow and appeared to be waiting.

"Drop. Your. Arms." It was not a request. It was a command. A command made in a dark, rough voice that gave no room for question.

She dropped her arms to her side. Exposing her body for the first time to any person. Her eyes were screwed shut so that she could pretend to be invisible to his eyes.

"You know you can't hide from me, my lovely kitten." He grazed his right fingers down her face so she would open her eyes. His fingers continued down her arm. Over to her belly where his hand splayed out. His full hand moved up and over to her ribs. And finally it landed on her right breast, cupping the full weight.

She could see heat in his hooded eyes. They took in her body. Every curve was examined. His left hand took a similar journey down her curved waist to her hip. Sliding around to her backside and cupping a cheek.

Both of his hands continued together to explore what he previously claimed until they both landed on her face, tipping it back. She had no choice but to look at his eyes.

"You are lovely, my dear," he praised. "Everything I thought you would be, with some hidden treasures." As he glanced down to her chest.

"Th-thank you, sir?"

"You would be naked all the time if we didn't have servants and neighbors," he said closer to her ear in a way that made her breath hitch at the image his words created in her head.

He lowered his lush mouth to her lips for their second kiss. It started with soft pecks. Then the kiss turned firm and urgent. Tongues began to explore as they did the night before. Only this time she was naked and at his mercy - his wife.

Her hands rose to his face to mirror his own. They traveled down his neck and then over his chest. He was still fully clothed in his cravat, crisp white shirt, and dinner jacket. She tried to start pulling them away as the kiss continued to build heat. But he stopped her hands.

"Calm down, Kat. Do you want to see your husband naked? Do you want to see his muscles? His tattoos? His big cock?" He asked in low tones near her ear, growling out the end. She nodded quickly, overcome by her arousal. "Use your words, kitten."

"Yes, sir. Yes, all of those. I want to see. Touch."

He quickly took off his clothing. Throwing them into a pile beside her destroyed wedding dress. He stood in front of her with his hand on her cheek, like she was a timid animal.

Katrina had never seen a naked man before. He was covered in muscle. A broad chest covered in intricate inked artwork and dark hair. It was a beautiful site. She couldn't wait to trace the marks with her fingers.

His stomach rippled with abdominal muscles. His arms and legs bulged from heavy use. A site to behold.

"Touch me," he ordered. She looked up at the two dark eyes that held so much promise and heat. She took her fingertips and lightly traced his shoulder, admiring how it bunched as his arm moved to caress her hips. Her fingers trailed down to his chest. Over the markings and the dark hair that made him appear so manly. His stomach clenched under her hands so she looked back up to to eyes that encouraged her exploration.

She followed the movement of her hands with her eyes. She moved them to his sides and looked past his waist to the area she had tried to avoid since he disrobed. His cock was erect, pointing straight at her. It seemed larger than she had imagined with large veins and a smooth head. Her right hand slowly wrapped around it. She looked up to him again to ensure he didn't mind this touch and that she was doing it correctly.

"Go on. Grip it. Stroke it," he said in a voice that was laced in deep arousal.

His cock was so smooth it was almost like velvet or silk. She moved her hand stroking it. Her other hand came down to his balls, cupping them. "Yes, keep going."

He was rock hard. A bead of pre-cum appeared at the tip of his cock. She rubbed it in with her thumb. It was all such a provocative site. He thrust into her hand a few times in reaction and she licked her lips.

"Would you like a taste, kitten?" He ground out. "Get on your knees and worship that cock."

Oh my! She wasn't expecting that. But she eagerly dropped to her knees and examined the large angry cock in front of her. Katrina leaned in and licked the tip like a cat lapping up the milky pre-cum. He tasted like sex and sin. She wanted and needed to prove her worthy of his attention.

Hidden Places, Book 1 of Autumn Club SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now