Chapter 16

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Katrina and Gabriel spent the next several weeks learning more about each other. When they had free days they rode together or took walks around the grounds. Sometimes they would spend their walks laying by the stream kissing and touching. Gabriel was always looking for excuses to get Katrina naked, and she never declined his requests.

In the evenings, they would have passionate sexual experiences. The sex ranged from making love to fucking and back again. The pain aspect Gabriel mentioned typically involved some hair pulling, spanking, pinching and some uncomfortable binding.

A letter arrived from London from Reggie. He wanted to escape the city for a few days, and since no one was in residence at his estate, he asked to visit. Gabriel was not too keen on the idea. He said Reggie was a bad influence and troublemaker.

Katrina felt Reggie was bad ton in her books, but he was her brother and he wouldn't influence her to make bad choices. So after some negotiations that involved some bedroom begging, Reggie was invited for a short stay.

Reggie brought the news from the London season. Eleanor and Sebastian had caused quite the stir when they eloped to Scotland on the same day as their wedding. Both weddings were a surprise to everyone in town. There were a lot of disappointed mommas among the ton - especially Eleanor's mother.

Reggie told her stories of her friends, too. Sybil's great aunt had taken ill, and Sybil missed most of the season. Reggie speculated that the aunt would be dead by the end of the season. Katrina knew that would be a big blow to her friend. She had to make a point of visiting her after the season died down.

Beatrix was being courted by an older friend of her father's. He was a childless widower that wanted to marry quickly and have an heir. Reggie said that most women found him attractive despite being in his mid-thirties, but they felt there was something a little "off" about him. Poor Beatrix.

And Reggie reported that Camilla was going to be spending time in London after the season alone if she didn't wed. Although it sounded scandalous, her parents were quite tired of Camilla's unwed status and her brash nature. Camilla was sure to get herself in trouble. Perhaps an adventure would end up in marriage anyway.

Reggie spoke a great deal about his friend Major Maxwell St. John. Max, as Reggie referred to him, was a confirmed bachelor and was "good fun." Reggie also spoke about how he was no longer seeing the widow. Katrina was glad because the rumors about Reggie and the widow were quite unflattering. Especially since they also implicated St. John.

Gabriel was patiently waiting for the gossip to end, but Katrina could tell he was bored. She imagined they sounded like a couple of school girls chattering away. He eventually excused himself to tend to estate business.

"How are you doing, Kat? Is all well? I noticed Gabe has been growing out his hair," Reggie observed after Gabriel left the room. Gabe's hair was indeed about an inch grown out. And even though some would think shaved his head because he was balding - his hair was thick and dark.

"All is well, and yes, he mentioned that his haircut was for the purposes of the ton. He wanted to intimidate them, I guess," she said this, but wasn't truly sure why one would want to standout so much. She would never have done anything to get notice.

"Well, it suits him. So is marriage as awful as I suspect?" Reggie, who helped force her in to marriage, had the audacity to ask.

"Reggie! Oh, I can't wait to see you wed, you cad! But it really isn't bad...I do have a question for you though...!" She was ready to lay in to him. "Did you know Gabriel was married before?!"

"Married? No! He never mentioned it and I haven't heard anything about it," he seemed surprised. "How did you find out?"

"The butler shared the news, and then Gabriel added in the details. I can't believe no one knew anything. I guess it doesn't matter at this point, but I guess it makes more sense why he pursued me."

"I wondered that aren't a beauty or very interesting..."

"Shut up, Reggie! When will you grow up and stop saying the first thing to come to your pea sized mind!" She was tired of her brother always saying the worst things.

"I agree, Reggie. You really should mind what you say to my wife," Gabriel growled from the door.

"Oh, pish! We always have spoken that way..." he seemed confused as to why they were all against him. "You have to admit Kat is an unlikely choi-..."

"Silence! We invited you because my wife for some reason has an affinity for you. But I can not stand by while you say unsavory things about her."

Katrina couldn't believe how much Gabriel defended her. Reggie was clearly stunned, too. He walked over to her and gave her an apologetic hug, then excused himself from the room.

After he left, Gabriel came over to her with a bit of anger in his eyes, and tilted her head up, "I told you that you are not to touch other men, even Reggie. I think you need to be punished for being a bad kitty."

"Now? For the hug?" How could he punish her for a hug that her brother initiated. She definitely didn't want him to hug her.

"Yes, you know the rules. Let's take this to our room," he said as he ushered her out of the room.

Of course she remembered the rules. She often thought of ways to break them in order to get punished. Perhaps Gabriel knew she needed to take her mind off Reggie. He did have a way of knowing what she needed. He seemed to study her quite closely.

Once they arrived in the ducal suite, Gabriel sat on the settee. Like the fist spanking, Katrina stood in front of him awaiting a command.

"You know what to do, Katrina," he spoke in low ominous tones. She didn't need to be told twice what to do - he had barely finished his sentence when she found herself over his knee.

The first few spanks stung, but indeed changed her headspace previously dominated by thoughts of Reggie's insults. Then Gabriel ordered her to go to the bed and bend over it.

Katrina did as instructed. She never raised a fuss, even when refusal was at the tip of her tongue.

The duke spent some time in his dressing room. When he came out she heard a whooshing noise. From her place on the bed she could not see what was making the whoosh, but it reminded her of the sound a riding crop would make when moving through the air.

He place it in front of her eyes, "This is going to sting a bit more than my hand. Ten total. Begin counting," he said as the first blow landed on her rear cheek.

"One," she cried out in surprise. The next stroke landed. "Two..."

They continued until ten. She was tearing up, but refused to show weakness. He smoothed his hand over the raised red skin, admiring his work and at the same time soothing her pain.

He leaned down to kiss and lick her bruised bottom. Praising her to taking her punishment like a good girl, which of course caused her to get aroused.

"Did you like the crop?" He asked ask he caressed her.

"Um, not particularly, sir," she honestly stated.

"Hm, well, I guess one should not enjoy punishment. We shall try it again another night, but when our aim is pleasure. Does that sound good, kitten? Perhaps on your tits or pussy, hm?"

What could she possibly say to that? It sounded so deliciously wicked and erotic all at once. She couldn't wait.

Hidden Places, Book 1 of Autumn Club SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now